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SEX AND MORALITY, AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR COLLEGE Emily Varnese Communication Morality in Everyday Discourse.

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Presentation on theme: "SEX AND MORALITY, AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR COLLEGE Emily Varnese Communication Morality in Everyday Discourse."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEX AND MORALITY, AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR COLLEGE Emily Varnese Communication Morality in Everyday Discourse

2 Introduction Discovery Analysis Group Membership Gender Advertisements Wrap-up Q/A Outline

3 Why this topic?

4 The Cultural Perspective  Group Membership  The group to which one associates to others in terms of age, culture, etc. (Philipsen, 1992)  Gender Advertisements  The images and advertising that depicts stereotypical gender roles and displays in order to establish the role of one gender in relation to the other. (Goffman, 1979) Group Membership

5 Teddy (73, male) Yes. I-I-I go along with you as far as no sex before marriage::but it is so uh (.) prevalent today that theres not much you can do about it but express your displeasure (.) uh (.) I MEAN everybody (.5) not everybody (.) live together before theyre married and it didnt happen before. (.) and just:: (.) uh (.5) and Im oh my goodness and I think women today dress a little too provocative uh (.7) but thats just the way it is. today:: its just you go along with it, 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

6 Monroe (69, Female) 01 02 03 your daughter make sure shes okay and (.) not dressing:: suggestively and a lot of men:: will look at girls (.) and say (.) shes asking? for it based on how shes dressed.

7 Nene (47, female) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 I (.) still fight the battle in my brain sometimes when you see girls and the way theyre dressed: its not just the way that theyre dressed: its not but (.) the way they they act when while theyre being: (.) while theyre dressed its=it (.) if youre going to a party? fine. if youre going to a (.) school event when there are parents and grandparents around (.) you know theres gotta:: be a respectful way to approach how you dress? (.) and um (.) and I dont think any it would lead to anything I mean thats how you dress and makes you feel good as a woman thats how you feel good is how you feel sexy and be sexy? its just=just how you dress?

8 Caroline (Student: 21, female) 01 02 03 04 05 06 every girl gets dressed for going out in order to impress guys and in order to impress guys (.) and in order to do that you must have boobs our or tight revealing clothing. I personally don’t find anything too wrong with this but when you literally have your private parts hanging out that is in no way sexy or appealing.

9 QUESTIONS? Thank you.

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