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Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892). Features of his poetry 1.resort to the world of romances: classical, medieval and English (The Idylls of the King). 2.skilled.

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Presentation on theme: "Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892). Features of his poetry 1.resort to the world of romances: classical, medieval and English (The Idylls of the King). 2.skilled."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892)

2 Features of his poetry 1.resort to the world of romances: classical, medieval and English (The Idylls of the King). 2.skilled in the lyric, the dramatic monologue; 3.perfect control of the sound of English and consummate choice and taste in words.

3 The Eagle Ideas: 1. a poem in memory of his friend Hallam; 2.a poem in praise of noble persons; 3.a hymn of independence and freedom;

4 The Eagle Form and devices: 1.single rhyme in each stanza—singleness and aloneness of the eagle; 2.alliteration in the first line—the hard consonant /k/ in the three words suggests hardness of the rock and firmness of the bird;

5 The Eagle Form and devices: 3.imagery or symbolism— the eagle is symbolic of a noble person and free spririt; the wrinkled sea: the masses or ordinary people; the sun: truth

6 The Eagle Form and devices: 4.contrast between the two stanzas:motionlessness and thunderbolt- like action

7 Break, Break, Break Ideas and artistic features: 1. a lyric on the loss of youth, innocence and happiness; 2.deep grief, sincere feelings; 3.smoothness of rhythm, musical effect;

8 Break, Break, Break Ideas and artistic features: 4.images and symbols; 5.sound devices: long vowels, metrical features(anapestic+iambic+spondaic); 6.translations of the title

9 Third Generation of Romantics Alfred Tennyson is like Keats: sensuousness melancholy Robert Browning is like Shelley:a taste for musicality

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