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Which Roman writer recorded history?. Tacitus Which Roman author wrote odes?

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Presentation on theme: "Which Roman writer recorded history?. Tacitus Which Roman author wrote odes?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Which Roman writer recorded history?

2 Tacitus

3 Which Roman author wrote odes?

4 Horace

5 “for rumor had got abroad that at the moment when the city was in flames Nero had mounted upon a stage in his own house, and by way of likening modern calamities to ancient, had sung the tale of the sack of Troy” Identify the title of the work of the preceding passage.

6 “The Burning of Rome”

7 A complex songlike poem on a serious subject.

8 ode

9 Which Roman author wrote lyric poems?

10 Catullus

11 extreme exaggeration

12 hyperbole

13 “I hate and I love. And if you ask me how, I do not know: I only feel it, and I’m torn in two.” Identify the author of the preceding passage.

14 Catullus

15 Who authored the “Golden Mean”?

16 Horace

17 Translate into Latin: seize the day

18 carpe diem

19 “If hindrances obstruct thy way, Thy Magnanimity display, And let thy strength be seen; But Oh! If fortune fill thy sail With more than a propitious gale, Take half thy canvas in. Identify the title of the work of the preceding passage.

20 “Golden Mean”

21 Who authored “Lesbia Says She’ld Rather Marry Me” and “If Ever Anyone Anywhere”?

22 Catullus

23 Songlike poetry that expresses deep emotions and thoughts.

24 lyric poetry

25 Nero blames this group for the burning of Rome.

26 Christians

27 “I hate and I love” is an example of what literary element?

28 paradox

29 a reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art

30 allusion

31 when one is prejudice; presenting only one side in a situation

32 bias

33 refers to a figure of speech that says less than is intended; restrained

34 understatement

35 Medium in amount or intensity or quality.

36 moderation

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