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Jeopardy President's Children Early1900’s Late 1900’s Late 1800’s Our Early Presidents Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400.

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2 Jeopardy President's Children Early1900’s Late 1900’s Late 1800’s Our Early Presidents Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Children in the White House My brother used the White House elevator to bring my pony to my room when I was sick. Hints: Amy Carter, Archibald Roosevelt, John and Caroline Kennedy, Susan Ford, Thomas Lincoln

4 $100 Answer from Children in the White House Who was Archibald Roosevelt?

5 $200 Question from Children in the White House Our dog Pushinka was a gift from the Soviet premier. She was the daughter of the first dog in space. Hints: Amy Carter, Archibald Roosevelt, John and Caroline Kennedy, Susan Ford, Thomas Lincoln

6 $200 Answer from Children in the White House Who were John and Caroline Kennedy?

7 $300 Question from Children in the White House My Secret Service code name was Dynamo. Hints: Amy Carter, Archibald Roosevelt, John and Caroline Kennedy, Susan Ford, Thomas Lincoln

8 $300 Answer from Children in the White House Who was Amy Carter?

9 $400 Question from Children in the White House I held my high school senior prom in the White House. My Secret Service code name was Panda. Hints: Amy Carter, Archibald Roosevelt, John and Caroline Kennedy, Susan Ford, Thomas Lincoln

10 $400 Answer from Children in the White House Who was Susan Ford?

11 $500 Question from Children in the White House My nickname was Tad. My dad’s secretary of war commissioned me a second lieutenant, with my own uniform. Hints: Amy Carter, Archibald Roosevelt, John and Caroline Kennedy, Susan Ford, Thomas Lincoln

12 $500 Answer from Children in the White House Who was Thomas Lincoln?

13 $100 Question from Presidents from the Early 1900's. First and only President sworn in for a fourth term.

14 $100 Answer from Presidents from the Early 1900's. Who is Franklin D Roosevelt? (1945)

15 $200 Question from Presidents from the Early 1900's. First televised Inaugural ceremony;

16 $200 Answer from Presidents from the Early 1900's. Who was Harry Truman? (1949)

17 $300 Question from Presidents from the Early 1900's. First Inaugural ceremony recorded by talking newsreel.

18 $300 Answer from Presidents from the Early 1900's. Who was Herbert Hoover? (1929)

19 $400 Question from Presidents from the Early 1900's. First President to ride to and from his Inauguration in an automobile.

20 $400 Answer from Presidents from the Early 1900's. Who is W. J. Harding? (1921)

21 $500 Question from Presidents from the Early 1900's. First Inaugural ceremony broadcast nationally by radio;

22 $500 Answer from Presidents from the Early 1900's. Who is Calvin Coolidge (1925)

23 $100 Question from Presidents from the Late 1900's. First Catholic to be inaugurated as President of the United States

24 $100 Answer from Presidents from the Late 1900's. Who is John F Kennedy (1961)

25 $200 Question from Presidents from the Late 1900's. First Inaugural ceremony broadcast live on the Internet.

26 $200 Answer from Presidents from the Late 1900's. Who is William J Clinton? (1997)

27 $300 Question from Presidents from the Late 1900's. First unelected Vice President to become President

28 $300 Answer from Presidents from the Late 1900's. Who is Gerald R. Ford (1971)

29 $400 Question from Presidents from the Late 1900's. He took the oath of office on two Bibles; both family heirlooms, and ended his presidency rather disgracefully.

30 $400 Answer from Presidents from the Late 1900's. Who was Richard Nixon? (1969)

31 $500 Question from Presidents from the Late 1900's. Was Inaugurated on the coldest Inauguration day on record, with a noon temperature of 7°F

32 $500 Answer from Presidents from the Late 1900's. Who was Ronald Reagan (1985)

33 $100 Question from Presidents from the Late 1800's. First Inaugural ceremony recorded by a motion picture camera

34 $100 Answer from Presidents from the Late 1800's. Who was William McKinley (1887)

35 $200 Question from Presidents from the Late 1800's. African Americans participated in the Inaugural parade for the first timeInaugural parade

36 $200 Answer from Presidents from the Late 1800's. Who was Abraham Lincoln (1865)

37 $300 Question from Presidents from the Late 1800's. First Inauguration known to have been photographed

38 $300 Answer from Presidents from the Late 1800's. Who was James Buchanan (1857)

39 $400 Question from Presidents from the Late 1800's. First Inauguration covered by telegraph; first known Inauguration featured in a newspaper illustration (Illustrated London News)

40 $400 Answer from Presidents from the Late 1800's. Who was James K Polk (1845)

41 $500 Question from Presidents from the Late 1800's. started the tradition of reviewing the parade at the White House after the Inaugural ceremony, shifting the focus of excitement to the post-Inaugural procession, rather than the escort to the Capito

42 $500 Answer from Presidents from the Late 1800's. Who was Ulysses S Grant? (1873)

43 $100 Question from Our Earliest Presidents First Inauguration to include the phrase, "So help me God," and kissing the Bible after taking the oath

44 $100 Answer from Our Earliest Presidents Who is George Washington? (1789)

45 $200 Question from Our Earliest Presidents First Inauguration in Washington, D.C

46 $200 Answer from Our Earliest Presidents Who is Thomas Jefferson? (1801)

47 $300 Question from Our Earliest Presidents First Vice President to assume Presidency upon the death of the President.

48 $300 Answer from Our Earliest Presidents Who is John Tyler (1841)

49 $400 Question from Our Earliest Presidents First Inauguration covered by telegraph; first known Inauguration featured in a newspaper illustration (Illustrated London News)

50 $400 Answer from Our Earliest Presidents Who is James K Polk? (1845)

51 $500 Question from Our Earliest Presidents First President to arrive in Washington by railroad

52 $500 Answer from Our Earliest Presidents Who is William H. Harrison (1841)

53 Final Jeopardy First President who was not born a British subject

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Who is Martin Van Buren (1837)

55 Citations Children in the WhiteHouse b.html b.html irsts/index.cfm


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