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The Japan EU Economic Partnership Agreement /Free Trade Agreement 15 January 2014 Manabu MIYAGAWA Mission of Japan to the European Union 1.

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Presentation on theme: "The Japan EU Economic Partnership Agreement /Free Trade Agreement 15 January 2014 Manabu MIYAGAWA Mission of Japan to the European Union 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Japan EU Economic Partnership Agreement /Free Trade Agreement 15 January 2014 Manabu MIYAGAWA Mission of Japan to the European Union 1

2 21 st Japan-EU Summit, Tokyo, 19 November 2013 Joint Press Statement “ Summit leaders reiterated their commitment to the earliest possible conclusion of these two agreements (a Strategic Partnership Agreement and an Economic Partnership Agreement/Free Trade Agreement) and instructed the Ministers/Commissioners to press forward the negotiations further. “ 2

3 1. What should we achieve through the Japan EU EPA/FTA ? (1)Growth and jobs (2)The better quality of life for the citizens and consumers (3)Closer tripartite strategic partnership among Japan, the EU and the US 3

4 (1) Growth and jobs - ABENOMICS and the EU 2020 strategy The EPA/FTA will accelerate the sustainable economic growth of both Japan and the EU. 4

5 5 The Three Arrows of “Abenomics” I. Unleash power of the private sector by investment and human resources III. Create new markets while tackling global challenges II. Promote integration with the global economy ( Japan-EU EPA, TPP) 3 Basic Principles (1) Bold Monetary Policy (2) Flexible Fiscal Policy (3) Japan Revitalization Strategy 5

6 (2) The better quality of life for the citizens and consumers Positive effects of the EPA/FTA on our daily life will be even more directly felt after the conclusion of the agreement. 6

7 ■ The share of European vehicles in Japan’s home market has steadily increased over the past 15 years. Share (in Units and %) of U.S. and European Vehicles in Japan’s Home Market Source: JAMA (Numbers include commercial vehicles) Imported Vehicles in Japan’s Home Market: Market Share 2012 Europe 4.2% U.S. 0.3% 7

8 (3) Tripartite partnership among Japan, the EU and the US (EPA, TTIP, TPP) The conclusion of the EPA will strengthen not only the bilateral relations between Japan and the EU, but also a tripartite rule making efforts among Japan, the EU and the United States. a) Strong political will b) Regulatory cooperation c) On the WTO 8

9 2. When and how should the negotiation be concluded? (1) The negotiation (2) Strong support from business and civil society 9

10 The latest supports from business association Joint statement by European business organizations on the occasion of the 21 st EU-Japan Summit on 12 November 2013 * 20 Signatories: CEC, CECED, CEFIC, CERAME-UNIE, COTANCE, DIGITAL EUROPE, IFIC, EFPIA, ECCIA, EURATEX, EUROCHAMBERS, EUROCOMMERCE, EUROMETAUX, ESIA, ESF, FESI, FOOD DRINK EUROPE, FTA, IFPI, LIGHTING EUROPE Joint statement on 15 November 2013 by BUSINESSEUROPE and KEIDANREN Joint statement on 15 November 2013 by EUROCHAMBERS and KEIDANREN “Call for the earliest possible conclusion of an EU-Japan EPA/FTA” 10

11 3. Concluding… Good points (1)Sustainable economic growth accelerated by the EPA (2)Richer life through wider choice of goods and services (3)Tripartite rule making efforts among the EU, Japan and the United States ( EPA, TTIP and TPP) When and how ? (1)The earliest possible, without compromise for the level of ambitions (2)Unified political will and the negotiation (3)Supports from civil society and business For whom and for what should we strengthen the relations between Japan and the EU through the EPA? 11

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