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How has the wheel affected society??. The earliest known use of the wheel was thought to be around 3500BC as a potters wheel in Mesopotamia which is part.

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Presentation on theme: "How has the wheel affected society??. The earliest known use of the wheel was thought to be around 3500BC as a potters wheel in Mesopotamia which is part."— Presentation transcript:

1 How has the wheel affected society??

2 The earliest known use of the wheel was thought to be around 3500BC as a potters wheel in Mesopotamia which is part of modern day Iraq. The wheel was probably first used for transport in Mesopotamian chariots. History of the wheel

3 Chariot The chariot is one of the earliest forms of transport that involves the wheel. They were being made in Mesopotamia as early as 3000 BC. The word chariot comes from the Latin word carrus which was originally from the Gaul. The chariot influenced society in many ways like making warfare easier and providing entertainment in the form of chariot races and games. Chariots were in many battles and influenced them a lot and they even feature in the bible. Chariots are in many carvings in many countries like Egypt, India, Rome and Greece.

4 Train The wheel has allowed trains to be possible because they have wheels affixed to the bottom that run on tracks. A train is used to transport goods and people quickly over large distances. In 1804 Richard Trevithick built the first steam powered train. Trains have sped up the way that we do things, instead of having to walk for hours you just jump on the nearest train and you are there in a much shorter time. Trains ruled the transport industry until the invention of the Automobile. Spanish train Japanese bullet train

5 Bicycle In the 1860s Frenchman Pierre Michaux along with Pierre Lallement made the first pedal powered Bicycle. The Bicycle has had an effect on society because it is a mode of transport that is faster than walking but still uses human power. It is a fairly fast mode of transport and quite useful for going short distances. It is also a form of entertainment and people sometimes bike just for fun.

6 Automobile The Automobile or motor car has effected society in a huge way. The car is a carriage of sorts with wheels affixed to an axle, these wheels are turned on the axle by an energy source like the internal combustion engine or steam power moving the car along a surface. The car has allowed humans to travel large distances in a relatively short amount of time. This has changed the way we live and has allowed us to do things a lot faster, instead of having to walk for an hour to get to school you can just jump in your car and you are there in twenty minutes. Because of the Automobile we can travel further and faster almost anywhere on land.

7 Aircraft Wheels are used to safely land the aircraft because most aircraft can’t take off or land vertically. The air craft needs a long stretch of tarmac before the plane reaches the correct speed for lift to take place. Without wheels the Aircraft would not be able to reach the correct speed for lift. Aircraft wheels have effected society because now we can travel over large distances very fast using the jet engine (see Jawon’s presentation). Air travel is very fast however things can go very wrong, see the chart on the next slide for the percentage of fatalities caused by flight and where in the flight they occur.

8 This is a chart showing where the most accidents and fatalities occur on a flight. Isn't it reassuring………

9 Roller coaster The first roller coaster was finished on the 20 th of January 1885 by LaMarcus Adna Thompson. Roller coasters are purely for amusement and not actually for transport. Roller coasters have changed our society by adding another form of entertainment and giving those thrill seeking people what they want.

10 Conclusion Overall the wheel has effected society hugely. The wheel has made travel a lot faster and made us a lot lazier because now instead of walking to school we all get driven or catch the bus. We also have more entertainment like the roller coaster and more things to do. Everything happens faster and we get lazier and lazier.

11 Bibliography

12 Reflection What we did well: We did the power point presentation well because it looks good and is informative What we didn’t do well: We didn’t prepare for the presentation very well because we are still reading off sheets of paper. What did we learn about research? The research is easy if you get stuck in and do it but it is difficult if you muck around for ages. What advice would we give someone else doing the same thing? Do it well the first time so that you don’t have to keep going back to it.

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