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MyFloridaMarketPlace: Project Overview MyFloridaMarketPlace.

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Presentation on theme: "MyFloridaMarketPlace: Project Overview MyFloridaMarketPlace."— Presentation transcript:

1 MyFloridaMarketPlace: Project Overview MyFloridaMarketPlace

2 2 Agenda  Vision  Benefits  System Functionality  Public/Private Partnership  1% Fee  Vendor Outreach and Registration Process  Implementation Schedule  Contact Information

3 3 Why Move to eProcurement? Governor’s Top Priorities Improving Student Achievement Reducing Violent Crime & Drug Use Creating a Smaller, More Effective and Efficient Government Building Economic Opportunity for All Helping the Most Vulnerable Improving Quality of Life & the Environment DMS Mission To become a customer focused agency providing effective and efficient services in order to better enable state agencies and employees to deliver the Governor’s priorities to the people of Florida.

4 4 What are the Benefits to Buyers? The system is a one-stop shop for accessing on-line catalogs and information about vendors that provide goods and services to the State. Key benefits for BUYERS include: 1.More Choice: Online access to the system’s registered vendors and their products/services and procurement vehicles such as State Term Contracts, quoting, and sourcing. 2.Reduction in paperwork: Online requisitions, purchase orders, and quoting/sourcing capability, automated workflow and online approvals for streamlining processes. 3.Faster order processing time: By automating the transactions, contracts, approvals, etc., the time from requisition to payment is reduced 4.Reduction in the cost of goods and services: Opportunity to leverage the state’s significant buying power by enabling Florida to act as a single entity during contract and purchasing negotiations 5.Reduced overhead and processing costs: The system helps eliminate overhead costs on such items as paper, printing, supplies, postage, mail and delivery services

5 5 What are the Benefits to Vendors? The system will provide a centralized source of procurement information for the business community, and the ability for vendors to communicate to a broader buying audience. Key benefits for VENDORS include: 1.State of the art tools: Electronic, Internet-based transactions – less paperwork and manual steps. 2.Increased access to buying entities: Access to all buyers using the system. 3.Enhanced economic development opportunities for small business: Increasing access to the “State” marketplace. 4.On-line interactive quoting and bidding: Submitting electronic responses to informal quotes and formal sealed bids.

6 6 What Does the System Do? Vendor Registration – Allows vendors to register and maintain their vendor information in the system. The vendor may also register for CMBE certification within MyFloridaMarketPlace Requisitioning – Supports creation of electronic requisitions and quotes to vendors, allowing vendors to respond online. Bidding – Online submission of solicitations to vendors. Vendors will respond to their bids online and the agency may evaluate the responses online as well. Contract tracking – Online tracking of contracts including available balance, contract term, contract pricing, etc. Invoice reconciliation – Online matching of invoice, purchase order, receipt, and/or contract. Reporting – Customized reporting capabilities providing the agencies with spend visibility, contract compliance, etc.

7 7 Who is Responsible for Implementing MyFloridaMarketPlace?  The Department of Management Services is leading this project in consultation with the State Technology Office and the State Chief Financial Officer.  5 year Contract between the State of Florida and Accenture (signed October 9, 2002)  DMS and North Highland, the third party monitor, work closely with Accenture to ensure timely and proper implementation of this key initiative.

8 8 Who is Responsible for Implementing MyFloridaMarketPlace?  Accenture is responsible for key activities such as:  System Development (e.g., confirm system requirements, code the application modules)  Technology Integration (e.g., establish the technical architecture, configure and test the application, develop interfaces with other systems)  Supporting Agency Implementation (e.g., work with agencies to complete pre- implementation tasks, including Train the Trainer)  Support Vendor Outreach efforts (e.g., General Vendor Information Sessions, State Term Contract Vendor Forums, Vendor Enablement Activities)  Business Operations (e.g., operate the Buyer and Vendor Service Desks, provide ongoing application and technological support, identify additional users that would potentially use the system)  Strategic Sourcing (e.g., assessing opportunities to aggregate spending to get a lower cost through fewer vendors and longer term contracts)

9 9 Why Charge the 1% Fee? The self funding model is not new. It has been in existence for a number of years. State Term Contract vendors currently pay a 1% fee to the State, and will continue under the MyFloridaMarketPlace system. Similarly, SNAPS and the P-Card programs also carry a fee. There is no initial registration or ongoing subscription fee charged to vendors. The 1% fee only applies to contracts and payments processed. The 1% fee will help pay for: 1.The acquisition, development, implementation and operations of the MyFloridaMarketPlace system; 2.To develop and execute training required for both buyers and vendors; 3.Provide ongoing maintenance and services needed to sustain the system’s success.

10 10 How do we Collect the 1% Fee? Starting 7/1/03, vendors will be required to self-report all transaction fees on a monthly basis using Form PUR 3776  For State Term Contract vendors who have previously self-reported the 1% fee quarterly, they will now report monthly We will be moving to billing and collection, however, it will not be available until 10/01/03 at the earliest  Even then, transactions that are made with users who are not yet on the system will need to be self-reported Automatic deduction of eligible transaction fees from invoices paid through MyFloridaMarketPlace will not occur until available in new FLAIR system (estimated July 1, 2005)

11 11 How Are We Getting Vendors Registered? To help reduce the possibility of disruption of services to State agencies, DMS and Accenture have conducted extensive outreach activities, including:  Communications with State Term Contract Vendors  Conducted 30 Vendor Information Sessions throughout Florida with 60 planned  Reaching out to business organizations such as chambers of commerce, etc.  Minority Business outreach with the Office of Supplier Diversity  Providing agencies registration information on critical vendors  Weekly updates to agency liaisons on who is/is not registered  Provided messages to agencies to include in PO’s and payments  Fee reporting communication  Sourcing opportunities communication There are processes for managing reluctant vendor registration and fee exemptions.

12 12 When will Agencies Start using MyFloridaMarketPlace?

13 13 Who do I contact if I have questions? Project Contact Information Vendor and Buyer inquiries can be directed by phone to (866) FLA-ePRO (352-3776) For assistance with Vendor related questions, please contact: For assistance with Buyer related questions, please contact: For general inquiries, please contact:

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