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1 Reading/Language Arts- English-Language Development Core Program, K-6 CA Treasures State-Approved List for Program Two.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Reading/Language Arts- English-Language Development Core Program, K-6 CA Treasures State-Approved List for Program Two."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Reading/Language Arts- English-Language Development Core Program, K-6 CA Treasures State-Approved List for Program Two

2 2 Timeline for Reading Language Arts- English Language Development (RLA/ELD) Core Program Adoption: DateEvent 2008-2010Established District Committee for Selection and Adoption Narrowed selection to three programs: SRA – Image It McGraw Hill – Treasures Houghton Mifflin –Medallions February, 2010Selection process postponed due to budget situation September 2011Cabinet decision to revive selection process due to concerns about Houghton Mifflin, funding incentives, and compliance issues. October 4, 2011Treasures and Image It presented to: Pilot Teachers, Curriculum Council Members, Administrators, Instructional Coaches and District Staff. October 5 -15, 2011Pilot Teachers study Treasure materials.

3 3 Timeline Continued DateEvent October 16, 2011Pilot Teachers begin using materials. November 9, 2011Pilot Teachers meet to discuss successes and challenges of “Treasures.” Pilot Teachers recommend: selection of Treasures for adoption; discontinue pilot of “Image It.” Present to Curriculum Council for recommendation on November 17. November 17Recommendation is presented to Curriculum Council. December 13A recommendation including cost analysis is presented to the Board of Education.

4 4 Teachers Who Piloted Reading/Language Arts – English Language Development (RLA/ELD) Core Program, K-6 Selection:

5 5 Benefits of Treasures Incorporates rich non-fiction materials in core instruction Increases instruction for academic vocabulary and language skills Provides 30 minutes per day of additional instructional support for English Learners Connects daily ELD to core (60 minutes) versus a separate program Includes Reading Intervention Kit grades 1-6 Eliminates the need for Reading Lions Provides Writing Instruction Uses Progress Monitoring Assessments Provides Coverage of Science and History/Social Science Content Standards K-6

6 6 Why Adopt and Purchase Now Houghton Mifflin does not align with the Common Core Standards In the 2002 Language Arts Adoption, reading programs were written to meet the old ELA framework and the 1997 CA standards. These old programs have MANY gaps for the Common Core Standards. This is a chart of the correlation of the Common Core ELA standards with the 1997 ELA Standards. Grade# of CCCS# of CCSS in HM K6840 17445 26438 37036 46136 55538 68054

7 7 Why Adopt and Purchase Now Alignment with the English Language Arts (ELA) Common Core State Standards Treasures has a 98% match with the Common Core Standards Grade# of CCCS# of CCSS in CA Treasures K68 17472 26462 37068 46160 55553 680

8 8 Why Adopt and Purchase Now o CA students will be required to take Common Core Assessments from SMARTER Balance Assessment Consortium in 2014-2015. o We cannot continue noncompliance with our current ELD program. o At the earliest, the next RLA Adoption will be in 2018.

9 9

10 10 Researched based Nationally Renowned Authors Incredible Authorship and Reading Research Team

11 11 Teachers’ Reasons for Selecting Treasures More expository text Students love the stories Teachers love the visuals Greater alignment of lessons and skills for combination classes Center work for all classrooms Easy to find the components of reading Robust vocabulary –based on Kinsella and Marzano Fluency practice – leveled fluency practices and different weekly passages Weekly assessments for student progress monitoring Built in interventions Writing Leveled Spelling

12 12 Professional Development Recommendations Two days of initial training during Spring Break and June One for introduction and overview One day for organization Quarterly follow up grade level meetings

13 13 Districts in California using Treasures

14 14 Cost Consider monies spent annually on residuals for workbooks, assessments, and writing Current Program Cost: $435,000 annually Consider money to be spent for an approved English Language Development program

15 15 Cost Gratis package from CA Treasures provides 2 workbooks for the life of the adoption (6 years). TBD Program Cost:$2,212,069 Extended over three years without interest. This payment plan available to districts that adopt by December 2011

16 16 LUSD Students and Treasures …

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