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Planning & Monitoring. The Purpose of Planning and Monitoring To ensure that the project is produced on time, within the cost constraints and at the quality.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning & Monitoring. The Purpose of Planning and Monitoring To ensure that the project is produced on time, within the cost constraints and at the quality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning & Monitoring

2 The Purpose of Planning and Monitoring To ensure that the project is produced on time, within the cost constraints and at the quality required.

3 Planning Objectives Analyse Anticipate Schedule resources Co-ordination and control Feedback.

4 Analyse This entails envisaging how the job will be done, in what order and with what resources The total job is then reduced to a number of manageable activities.

5 Anticipate This involves foreseeing any potential difficulties and making arrangements to overcome them.

6 Schedule resources This will enable the best use to be made of all resources, – these being money, men, materials, machines and management.

7 Co-ordination and Control For any project to be successful it must be co- ordinated and controlled in order to ensure that the right resources are available when they are required.

8 Feedback Information and data on the project must be kept so that it can be used for future projects, thereby learning from the previous works.

9 Types of Planning and Monitoring Factors to be considered:

10 Design Information Planning looks at the stages of design: feasibility, sketch and detailed design. lays down the dates when information and drawings are required to be received by the Contractor from the design team.

11 Site Activity Planning (Construction Programme) This shows when the activities for individual operations are scheduled to start and finish on site. Can include the programmed timings and the actual timings.

12 Resource Planning Involves the allocation of the five m's of money, men, materials, machines and management to the activities on the programme. The resources available will either dictate the time scale for the project, or the time scale of the project will dictate the resources that are needed in order to complete by a certain date.

13 Financial Cost Planning This should show the anticipated costs throughout the duration of the project It will show how much money is required and when it will be called upon in order to finance the construction costs It must also show actual costs to be compared to those that are anticipated, thereby showing if the project is within the allocated budget, i.e. Cash flows and S-curves.

14 Planning Factors & Sequence InceptionFeasibilityProposalProgramme Purpose Requirements Option Costs Planning Permission Resources Available Design LA Approval Method Statement Calculation Sheets Work Programme

15 Procedure Determine what is required to be done Break down the complete job into separate operations Determine the ways that each of those operations can be carried out Select the most appropriate method (alternatively produce a method statement for each method).

16 Place them in the sequence that they are to occur Determine what, if any, plant is required for each operation Determine the operatives required to carry out each operation (Remember to include plant operator) Determine if any special requirements apply.

17 Method Statement This is a detailed schedule that considers alternative proposals and makes recommendations. It considers time, costs and technique for each method of carrying out the work and the resources necessary to perform the major activities in the project.

18 Methods of Programming Bar or Gantt Chart Critical Path (Networks). Known as Activity- on-arrow Precedence Diagrams. Known as Activity-on- the-node.

19 Bar or Gantt Charts This depicts each operation as a bar on a chart. The length of the bar shows the time that the operation is expected to take. It shows the starting time and the finishing time.



22 Critical Path - Activity-on-arrow

23 Precedence Diagrams Activity-on-the-node

24 Earliest StartEarliest Finish Latest StartLatest Finish Total FloatFree Float Activity DurationActivity Number Precedence Box

25 Exercise Produce a method statement and bar chart for the construction of a single dwelling. State any assumptions made.

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