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Working in the heritage sector.  Good experience  Improve your CV  Increase your employability  Give you some credibility  Increase your network.

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Presentation on theme: "Working in the heritage sector.  Good experience  Improve your CV  Increase your employability  Give you some credibility  Increase your network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working in the heritage sector

2  Good experience  Improve your CV  Increase your employability  Give you some credibility  Increase your network  Can be easy to get

3  Difficult to get employed without a Master’s degree  Importance of internships for some Master’s  Depending on the career chosen, difficult not to undertake a PhD

4  Diversity of functions: curatorial work with collections, exhibition manager, marketing work, communication, education, working with the public, interpretive officer…  Diversity of museums: some very small and run primarily with volunteers; others of international renown.

5  Get in through internship  Start with part-time job, e.g. Weekend Museum assistant  Network  Apply for job (some advertised in Museums Journal f.i)

6  E.g. English heritage or National Trust  Identity places of national or international significance  Work on management of nationally or internationally significant properties: draft management and conservation plan; tourism strategies; marketing management plan  Work on the conservation of heritage through preventive and remedial conservation

7  Easy to get a clerical job, then work your way up (EH advertises posts internally first)  Temp (EH used to work a lot with temporary employees )  Apply for jobs

8  A fair amount of jobs within national government, ministers, DCMS…  Prepare legislation and policy documents  Background documents to meetings  Prepare reports of implementation of legislation  Prepare speeches…

9  Different, according to each government. In France, f.i. exams to get in  A lot of temporary posts, easier to obtain, but difficult to convert into permanent posts  A lot of temporary posts abroad in the heritage and cultural field (in embassies, cultural centres). Just apply for them

10  Myriad of organisations (UNESCO, World Bank, European Commission, ICCROM)  Training of heritage professionals  Draft policy documents  Draft reports  Implement conservation, management and development projects (primarily in developing countries)

11  Very competitive. No permanent job at UNESCO currently  Internship  Consulting work (a lot of consulting opportunities with the World Bank or UNDP, but need to be highly qualified)  Work in a team for international organisations  Apply for job

12  Postdoc  After a PhD  Lecturer in heritage or museums; less posts than there used to be

13 

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