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European Commission Enterprise and Industry ‹#› BRC – Building Responsible Competitiveness CSR and competitiveness in the construction industry Bologna,

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Presentation on theme: "European Commission Enterprise and Industry ‹#› BRC – Building Responsible Competitiveness CSR and competitiveness in the construction industry Bologna,"— Presentation transcript:

1 European Commission Enterprise and Industry ‹#› BRC – Building Responsible Competitiveness CSR and competitiveness in the construction industry Bologna, 28th April 2010 Giuseppe Cacciato, European Commission

2 Enterprise and Industry ‹#› CSR and competitiveness: a strategic issue for 2010 and beyond A new paradigm Looking at sector-specific connections A challenging issue

3 European Commission Enterprise and Industry ‹#› A stormy background… A wave of ethical scandals sweeps the business world; public trust in companies falls to record low levels. Global economy stricken by meltdown of financial institutions; focus on wealth- maximisation and share price called into question.

4 European Commission Enterprise and Industry ‹#› Return to growth and jobs: different models and values “International investment is a major source of growth, employment and innovation and development…; maximising the positive impact of investment as a catalyst for sustainable development… through greater dissemination of Corporate Responsibility…” (Joint G8-G5 declaration, 9 July 2009) Investment advisors and asset managers have a legal responsibility to raise ESG issues when tendering investment and advising clients (According to a report from the Asset Management Working Group of the UN Environment Programme’s Finance Initiative- UNEP FI).

5 European Commission Enterprise and Industry ‹#› CSR: core business, not ancillary to mainstream Companies taking seriously their social and environmental performance are ambitious enterprises Wish for renown in using societal challenges to benefit business and society  A sensible strategy

6 European Commission Enterprise and Industry ‹#› A balancing act Reliability (accuracy/credibility) of company practices Honesty over medals Having a strategy, developing initiatives, achieving/improving results

7 European Commission Enterprise and Industry ‹#› Why the construction sector Crossroads of environmental, social issues; Impact on local communities; Labour-intensive (posting aspects); Supply chain (materials, sub-contracting); Strong pressures to minimise costs/maximise short-term profitability

8 European Commission Enterprise and Industry ‹#› BRC: A pioneering project Multi-stakeholder Looking for indicators Linking value to sustainability

9 European Commission Enterprise and Industry ‹#› Outcomes Supply chain focus of interest Identification of practices Basis for indicators definition Social value chain to be elaborated further Where to concentrate next: dissemination

10 European Commission Enterprise and Industry ‹#› Thank you for your attention Grazie Obrigado Gracias Merci business/corporate-social-responsibility/index_en.htm

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