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Elements of Rhetoric Objective: SWBAT identify and employ the elements of rhetoric in order to develop strategies for stating arguments within essay writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Elements of Rhetoric Objective: SWBAT identify and employ the elements of rhetoric in order to develop strategies for stating arguments within essay writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements of Rhetoric Objective: SWBAT identify and employ the elements of rhetoric in order to develop strategies for stating arguments within essay writing. Warm-Up Pick 10 words from the list of “D” in the list of 5000 that you don’t know. Find a synonym (10 minutes please) All work should be typed into a word document (not cut and pasted).

2 Elements of Rhetoric ethos: how the character and credibility of a speaker influence an audience to consider him to be believable.ethos ◦This could be any position in which the speaker--from being a college professor of the subject, to being an acquaintance of person who experienced the matter in question--knows about the topic. ◦For instance, when a magazine claims that, A MIT professor predicts that the robotic era is coming in 2050, the use of big name "MIT" (a world-renown college for advanced research in math, science, and technology) establishes the strong credibility.MIT

3 Elements of Rhetoric pathos: the use of emotional appeals to alter the audience's judgment.pathos ◦This can be done through metaphor, amplification, storytelling, or presenting the topic in a way that evokes strong emotions in the audience.

4 Elements of Rhetoric logos: the use of reasoning, either inductive or deductive, to construct an argument.logos ◦Logos appeals include appeals to statistics, math, logic, and objectivity. For instance, when advertisements claim that their product is 37% more effective than the competition, they are making a logical appeal. ◦Inductive reasoning uses examples (historical, mythical, or hypothetical) to draw conclusions.Inductive reasoning ◦Deductive reasoning, or "enthymematic" reasoning, uses generally accepted propositions to derive specific conclusions. The term logic evolved from logos. Aristotle emphasized enthymematic reasoning as central to the process of rhetorical invention, though later rhetorical theorists placed much less emphasis on it.Deductive reasoning

5 Elements of Rhetoric Read Henry David Thoreau’s essay on Civil Disobedience. Would you think that more government or less government to be desirable. Use Thoreau’s essay to defend your point of view or argue against some of his tenants and use other examples to state why.

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