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Deceased18,300 Biographies of Deceased Individuals that helped shape the history of the United States. Corresponds to a 24 vol. Print Edition. Each article:

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Presentation on theme: "Deceased18,300 Biographies of Deceased Individuals that helped shape the history of the United States. Corresponds to a 24 vol. Print Edition. Each article:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Deceased18,300 Biographies of Deceased Individuals that helped shape the history of the United States. Corresponds to a 24 vol. Print Edition. Each article: –Goes through a person’s life from birth to death chronologically. –Places life in historical perspective. –Includes a Bibliography that guides readers to further information.

2 Search Research topics Lesson Plans Biography of the Day Updates

3 Quick Search Find Articles through the Basic or Quick Search

4 Searching ANB You may search the ANB Online in a number of ways: By full text (words and phrases) By subject name By gender By occupation or realm of renown By birth date By birthplace By death date By contributor name

5 Advance Search

6 Research Topics

7 Teacher’s Guide Teacher's Guide –Six Detailed Lesson Plans designed to help you get the most out of this valuable resource are provided. –Highlight the importance and value of studying biography as an end in itself and as a starting point for doing further research into the lives of those who shaped the American experience.

8 Research ToolsDaily Information

9 News Highlights

10 Resources

11 World Data Analyst Online Country Snapshots: –Easy access to printable country statistics including map, area, population, demographic and vital statistics, gross national product, and more. Country Comparisons: –Create your own tables and graphs comparing countries using the most recent statistics or historical statistics, which show changes in countries over time. Ranked Statistics: –See how different countries compare on economic and population measure, or get information on significant geographic features such as highest mountains and largest deserts.







18 EBSCOHost Research Databases Collection of 22 databases that cover a wide spectrum of academic areas including literature, business, education, health, and other science disciplines. Databases for varied educational levels included from elementary school level to graduate school level.

19 Three Step Entry Choose EBSCOHost Web

20 Select the Databases

21 Databases Most Frequently Used MasterFILE Premier Newspaper Source Health Source - Consumer Edition Academic Search Premier Novelist MagillOnLiterature Plus TOPICsearch

22 Search Interface Basic Search

23 Advanced Search

24 Subject Index

25 Publication Index

26 Images

27 Novelist

28 Fiction database for over 125,000 fiction titles. Locate books by: Author Title Series Keywords from Title or Plot Also provides: Author Read-alikes Book Discussion Guides Annotated Book Lists Book Talks What We’re Reading Now Award winning books listed by category

29 Types of Book Searches Quick Search Author: –Type in an author’s name (last name, first name) to see a list of works by that author. Quick Search Title: –Type in the exact title of a novel. A brief synopsis will be given. Links to more information, such as book reviews, are provided. Quick Series Search: –Type in the name of the series (Gossip Girls) or the name of the main character to obtain a list of titles in the series. Quick Search Keyword: –Type in a keyword from the title or plot to obtain a list of novels that have the word or its form in the title or plot (New Mexico)








37 History Resource Center: U.S.

38 Covers themes, events, individuals and periods in U.S. history from pre-Colonial times to the present. Provides integrated full text access to over 4,000 historical (primary) documents, articles from more than 30 reference titles, and over 110 full-text journal covering themes. Includes citations from over 180 additional history journals.











49 ABC-CLIO World History Modern Era 15,000 reference entries in the topic of world history. Includes biographies, primary-source documents, essays, glossary terms, maps, quotations, timelines, photos, audio and video, statistics, and more. Search through site search field or advanced search.

50 ABC-CLIO World History Modern Era Home Living History – Regularly posted articles that relate current news stories to historical events. Spotlight On... –Regularly posted articles that highlight topics in World History. This Day in History –A list of historical events that occurred on each day of the year.

51 ABC-CLIO World History Modern Era



54 Advanced Search (by category/topic)







61 Professional Link


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