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Corporate Sponsorship Program 2011. What is the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford? The Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford is the region’s leading.

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Presentation on theme: "Corporate Sponsorship Program 2011. What is the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford? The Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford is the region’s leading."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corporate Sponsorship Program 2011

2 What is the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford? The Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford is the region’s leading authority on identifying, communicating and efficiently addressing the needs of our local and global Jewish community. By providing opportunities for members to work together to better understand and support Jewish life, and by allocating resources to organizations that support the education, heritage and social commitment of the Jewish community, the Federation builds stronger Jewish leadership and insures the continued growth, vitality and preservation of our Jewish community.

3 Your Partnership Partnering with the Federation links your good corporate name to a solid, 65 year-old organization that gives back to the community. Federation will connect you with like-minded individuals; opening doors which allow you to meet and build relationships with interesting and diverse community members. As a supporter, your company will be well-represented before an exceptional audience of affluent, educated and involved individuals. This unique partnership is an opportunity to expand your visibility to a key segment of the market and provide positive exposure and goodwill for your organization.

4 Women’s Philanthropy 16 th Annual Voices Voices is the Jewish Federation of Hartford’s Annual Women’s Fundraising and Community Outreach Event April 7, 2011 Guest Speaker: Linda Kaplan Thaler, award-winning music/jingle composer and author of The Power of Small: Why Little Things Make All the Difference Over 2,500 invitations mailed to our Women’s Philanthropy Donors ($365 annual minimum donation per attendee) Over 500 attendees, comprised of women from all professions and all ages throughout the greater Hartford area Past speakers include; Fran Drescher, Camryn Manheim, Joan Rivers, Marlee Matlin and Campbell Brown Campbell Brown Fran Drescher Camryn Manheim

5 9 th Annual Visions Visions is the Jewish Federation of Hartford’s Annual Men’s Fundraising and Community Outreach Event May 11, 2011 Guest Speaker: Dan Senor, author of Start-Up Nation Over 2,000 invitations mailed to our Men’s Division Donors ($365 annual minimum donation per attendee) Over 400 attendees, comprised of men from all professions throughout the greater Hartford area Past speakers include: Joe Torre, Jim Nantz, Jeff Greenfield, Geno Auriemma, Mike Greenberg, Randy Edsall, Dick Vitale and Jim Calhoun Geno Auriemma Randy Edsall Jim Nantz

6 Women’s Philanthropy Kitchen Tour and Tastings Community building event: Kitchens in five prestigious homes will be open for tours and tastings Sunday, June 5, 2011 New community-wide outreach event that will interest women on a personal level Invitations sent to 3,000 households Target market: Women ages 25 – 60 in a local media blitz Each home will have table top displays provided by area retailers and offer a unique demonstration, such as: i.Tasting room with wine and appetizers ii.Fun snacks for kids iii.Flower arranging iv.Holiday traditions v.Sweet treats Community service project component

7 Sponsorship Benefits PLATINUMGOLDSILVERBRONZE Visions$10,000$5,000$2,500$1,500 Voices$10,000$5,000$2,500$1,500 Women’s Kitchen Tour Add-On $500$250 Dual Visions & Voices$15,000$7,500$4,000$2,000 Logo/Name on invitationXX X Banner @ event X Logo/Name in all advertising/PRXXX X Logo on website linked to homepageXX Name on website XX Tickets to special reception (Visions only) 6421 Tickets to event 10 (table) 42 Recognition from podium XX Signage @ event XXXX Photo op with speaker XXXX Fedbiz* Sponsor X Facebook Posts XX Tweets from event X Year-end "Thank You" ad in print mediaXXXX * JFGH’s bi-weekly e-newsletter to over 6,000 subscribers in 30 Greater Hartford communities

8 Past Leading Sponsors Companies of local and national renown are represented among our past business partners Bank of America BlumShapiro BNY Mellon Brescome Barton, Inc. Day Pitney LLP Farmington Bank Hartford Courant Hartford Distributors, Inc. J.H. Cohn, LLP Kostin, Ruffkess & Company LLC Laz Parking Liberty Bank Max Restaurant Group Omar Coffee People’s United Bank Price Chopper Pullman & Comley LLC Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center Sonitrol Security and Communications Stop & Shop Supermarket TD Bank Webster Bank

9 Contact: Alysa Yale, Director, Corporate Sponsorship (860) 727-6118 Corporate Sponsorship Committee: Coleman B. Levy, Business Partnership Chairman Jeff AziaDean Levy Evan BermanBobsie Ness Ted Kaplan Lee Pollock Harold Kirstein David Rosenthal Marc Sack

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