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Vocab 11. 1) Augment – to increase in size, amount or degree My parents said they would augment my car fund if I earned all A’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab 11. 1) Augment – to increase in size, amount or degree My parents said they would augment my car fund if I earned all A’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocab 11

2 1) Augment – to increase in size, amount or degree My parents said they would augment my car fund if I earned all A’s.

3 2) Benign – kind; gracious; gentle Nurses are a benign presence in a hospital.

4 3) Connoisseur – person with a lot of knowledge concerning fine arts He was a connoisseur of oil paintings.

5 4) Discern – to detect with the eyes The fog was so thick that it was hard to discern the buildings.

6 5) Embellish –add details to a story to make more interesting Mark Twain often embellished his stories.

7 6) Execute – to carry out; perform In order to execute our plan, we had to leave early.

8 7) Exemplify – to illustrate by being an example She exemplifies honesty in a person.

9 8) Grotesque – so distorted or strange as to appear bizarre The movie was so grotesque that I had to leave early.

10 9) Hallowed – greatly respected; holy A cemetery is considered hallowed ground.

11 10) Impersonate – to assume the character or appearance of She tried to impersonate a teacher.

12 11) Malevolent – producing harm or evil He shot a malevolent look at the principal.

13 12) Ornate – heavily & elaborately detailed The decorations were so ornate that they gave me a headache.

14 13) Pastoral – relating to country life; relaxed and quiet Kansas is known for a pastoral culture.

15 14) Precarious – not safe or secure; dangerously uncertain She had a precarious hold on the child.

16 15) Renown – fame; honor Whitney Houston was a renowned singer in the ‘80s.

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