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What is a Thesis Statement?. The thesis statement is the part of a writing piece that explains the purpose of what you are writing.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Thesis Statement?. The thesis statement is the part of a writing piece that explains the purpose of what you are writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a Thesis Statement?

2 The thesis statement is the part of a writing piece that explains the purpose of what you are writing.

3 First Define the main idea of your essay. The main idea is the general subject your thesis statement will be about. Maybe you are planning to write about soccer.

4 Next Narrow down the main idea to a more specific topic. For example, instead of writing about soccer, write about the benefits of playing soccer.

5 Then Add an opinion to the main idea. A solid thesis statement includes a point that you can argue. By researching, you can gather evidence to prove this point in your essay. Soccer is a great form of exercise.

6 So… a thesis statement is my opinion. But, with the right evidence, in my writing, I can try to persuade you to agree with me.

7 Let’s see if you can craft a few thesis statements… With the post-it you and your partner are given, try to craft 2 or 3 thesis statements. Yes, they should be opinions, but they need to be able to be researched. For example, stay away from “Surfing is fun!”

8 Possible Ideas to Try… Let’s Stay Away From… Kelly Slater is a world- renown surfer. Surfing is fun! Chicago is a city filled with adventure. I love Chicago! Many children are faced with bullying in and out of school. Bullying hurts children. The Bahamas is a family- filled vacation island! The Bahamas is a good place to visit.

9 Homework MSJ: Type 1: 4 interests Write down four topics that are of interest to you.

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