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Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology ASNAT Assessing Student’s Needs for Assistive Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology ASNAT Assessing Student’s Needs for Assistive Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology ASNAT Assessing Student’s Needs for Assistive Technology

2 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology Objectives – Understand the definition of AT – Understand the senses – Understand the influence of the senses on AT selection – Understand why it is important to consider sensory issues when looking at AT

3 ASNAT Assessing Student’s Needs for Assistive Technology Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology – What do you know? – What do you want to know?

4 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology What is AT? 2 parts 1.DEVICE- Any Item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.

5 What is AT? (continued) 2.SERVICE- Any service that directly assists an individual with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device. Evaluation of the technology needs, including a functional evaluation in the individual’s customary environment Purchasing, leasing, or otherwise providing for the acquisition of assistive technology devices.

6 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology What are the senses? 5 plus 2

7 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology Vision Hearing Taste Smell Touch Proprioceptive Vestibular

8 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology Vision Think of sensory stimuli in this area that you like and don’t like

9 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology Hearing Think of sensory stimuli in this area that you like and don’t like

10 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology Taste Think of sensory stimuli in this area that you like and don’t like

11 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology Smell Think of sensory stimuli in this area that you like and don’t like

12 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology Touch Think of sensory stimuli in this area that you like and don’t like

13 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology Proprioceptive Think of sensory stimuli in this area that you like and don’t like

14 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology Vestibular Think of sensory stimuli in this area that you like and don’t like

15 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology Understanding the influence of sensory information on assistive technology – Student – Devices – Environment

16 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology sense VisionColor of seating, wheelchair HearingSound of body moving against seat or wheelchair noise TasteChewing on the arm rest or other part SmellSmell of new materials or items spilled on seating TouchFeel of fabric or material of seating or wheelchair ProprioceptiveSeat belts, SubASIS bar, chest support VestibularHow fast and in what position are they moved Impact of sensory issues on seating, positioning and mobility

17 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology sense VisionPhoto, color, black and white, size HearingType of voice output, speed, voice, loudness, meaning TasteTastes good to chew on SmellNew fabric, plastic or device smell TouchFeel of the device, paper, laminate ProprioceptiveWeight of the device VestibularEasily moved with the student Impact of sensory issues on communication

18 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology sense Vision Hearing Taste Smell Touch Proprioceptive Vestibular Impact of sensory issues on communication

19 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology sense VisionBrightness, contrast, size, color, HearingVolume, type of sound Taste SmellSmell of plastic, material, room in which they use the computer TouchSurface of interface, keyboard, ProprioceptiveDepth of key strokes, weight of laptop VestibularNeed for movement while accessing the computer Impact of sensory issues on computer access

20 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology sense VisionSize of lines, font, color of paper or computer background HearingVolume, speed and type of computer auditory output Taste SmellSmell of materials, room, other environmental areas TouchFeel of pencil, paper, keyboard ProprioceptiveGrip of pencil, pen; feedback from keyboard VestibularNeed to move during writing activities Impact of sensory issues on motor aspects of writing

21 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology sense VisionStyle of organizational chart, web, bubble, outline; size of lines, font, color of paper or computer background HearingVolume, speed and type of computer auditory output Taste SmellSmell of materials, room, other environmental areas TouchFeel of pencil, paper, keyboard ProprioceptiveGrip of pencil, pen; feedback from keyboard VestibularNeed to move during writing activities Impact of sensory issues on composition of written material

22 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology sense VisionSize or type of font, color of font or background HearingVolume, speed and type of computer auditory output Taste SmellSmell of materials, room, other environmental areas TouchFeel of paper, headphones for listening ProprioceptiveWeight of book VestibularMovement needed during reading Impact of sensory issues on reading

23 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology sense VisionSize, color of font or response paper HearingVolume, speed and type of computer auditory output Taste SmellSmell of materials, room, other environmental areas TouchFeel of paper, pencil keypad, or headphones for listening ProprioceptiveWeight of book VestibularMovement needed during math Impact of sensory issues on math

24 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology sense VisionType of organization system that utilizes web, bubbles, outline HearingVolume, speed and type of computer auditory output Taste SmellSmell of materials, room, other environmental areas TouchFeel of paper, pencil, keypad, or headphones for listening ProprioceptiveWeight of book VestibularMovement needed during organizational activies Impact of sensory issues on organization

25 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology sense VisionBrightness, dimness, contrast, color of items used HearingVolume, speed and type of computer or leisure auditory output Taste SmellSmell of materials, room, other environmental areas TouchFeel of items used for leisure activities ProprioceptiveWeight of items or equipment used VestibularMovement needed during recreation and leisure activities Impact of sensory issues on recreation and leisure

26 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology sense VisionColor, shape, size of items used HearingAuditory feedback of items Taste SmellSmell of materials, room, other environmental areas TouchTexture or feel of item used ProprioceptiveWeight of items VestibularMovement needed from item or activity Impact of sensory issues on activities of daily living

27 Research Living in the State of Stuck – Importance of users input to device selection and use – Sensory issues are also an important part when considering devices

28 Sensory Issues and Relationship to Assistive Technology Summary How will you use this information in your AT practice?

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