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Chapter 14.1 Pages 446-448. 2 TASTE AND SMELL TASTE AND SMELLTASTE AND SMELLTASTE AND SMELL  Taste receptors  Found in diff. locations in diff. species.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 14.1 Pages 446-448. 2 TASTE AND SMELL TASTE AND SMELLTASTE AND SMELLTASTE AND SMELL  Taste receptors  Found in diff. locations in diff. species."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 14.1 Pages 446-448

2 2 TASTE AND SMELL TASTE AND SMELLTASTE AND SMELLTASTE AND SMELL  Taste receptors  Found in diff. locations in diff. species  Octopuses – tentacles  Crayfish – antennae  Insects - legs 2

3   in humans, receptor cells for taste are modified epithelial cells organized into taste buds  there are five taste perceptions:  sweet  sour  salty  bitter  umami (savory)(elicited by glutamate)  Once dissolved, specific chemicals stimulate receptors Taste

4 4 1) Taste 4 types of taste that are stimulated by dissolved chemicals in specific taste buds: Sweet Salty Sour Bitter

5 5 5 Figure 16.4 (a) Specialized hair- like receptor ends in the tongue detect specific chemicals, Axons from the sensory neurons are shown in yellow, (b) Taste buds of a rabbit tongue, The taste bud appears as a bulblike structure,

6 6 6

7   Taste receptors /espv2/data/animals/003/index.html  Click on taste sensation 7 Taste receptors and olfactory create the perception of taste

8  Smell (olfaction)  Detection of a specific airborne chemicals that stimulates an olfactory cell to produce action potential that is perceived in the olfactory bulb.  Olfactory receptor cells are neurons that line the upper portion of the nasal cavity  Binding of odorant molecules to receptors triggers a signal transduction pathway, sending action potentials to the brain



11 11 sensory adaptationOlfactory cells demonstrate sensory adaptation People who live in cities with pulp mills adjust to odor Odor seems to fade after a short period of time  Taste  humanbody/body/factfiles/taste/ taste_ani_f5.swf humanbody/body/factfiles/taste/ taste_ani_f5.swf  Smell  humanbody/body/factfiles/smell/ smell_ani_f5.swf humanbody/body/factfiles/smell/ smell_ani_f5.swf 11

12 12 Each mechanoreceptor is a modified dendrite of a sensory neuron 3) Sensory receptors in human skin Despite an incredible collection of specialized sensory receptors, much of environment remains undetected Skin receptors

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14  14 Senses game  interactives/senseschallenge/ interactives/senseschallenge/

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