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Minerals. What Is a Mineral? A mineral is a solid, naturally occurring substance that has a specific chemical composition and a highly ordered internal.

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Presentation on theme: "Minerals. What Is a Mineral? A mineral is a solid, naturally occurring substance that has a specific chemical composition and a highly ordered internal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minerals

2 What Is a Mineral? A mineral is a solid, naturally occurring substance that has a specific chemical composition and a highly ordered internal (crystalline) structure.

3 What is a Rock? A solid, cohesive aggregate of grains of one or more minerals

4 CRYSTAL - A mineral grain displaying the characteristics of its atomic structure. - Over 4300 different kinds of minerals (most due to life!) - differences result from the different elements used and the ways they are bonded

5 Chemistry Review : An ELEMENT is determined by the number of PROTONS (+). IONS - Atoms where the number of ELECTRONS (-) have been added or subtracted. ISOTOPES - Atoms where the number of NEUTRONS have been added or subtracted.

6 The Structure of the Atom Atomic number = Number of protons  Elements Atomic Mass = Number of protons + neutrons  Isotopes

7 Periodic Table of the Elements

8 The Structure of the Atom Atomic number = Number of protons  Elements Atomic mass = Number of protons + neutrons  Isotopes

9 Chemical Bonds – Forces that keep atoms together Bonds are strong when the outermost electron energy levels are complete. # of electrons inTotal # of outermost energy level electrons 2 2 8 10 8 18 18 36 18 54 Etc.

10 The Structure of the Atom The size of atom is determined by electron cloud of the ION

11 Changing Model of the Atom





16 How Atoms Bond Types of bonding Ionic Covalent Metallic Intermolecular Atoms gain or lose electrons, becoming negatively charged ions or positively charged ions that attract each other. Figure 2-7

17 IONIC BOND Ex: Halite (salt) Q: Which is Na? Cl? How Atoms Bond

18 Types of bonding Ionic Covalent Metallic Intermolecular Sharing of electrons between similar atoms – strongest type of bond



21 How Atoms Bond Types of bonding Ionic Covalent Metallic Intermolecular Electrons move continually among close-packed nuclei.

22 How Atoms Bond Types of bonding Ionic Covalent Metallic Intermolecular Weak attraction between molecules due to an uneven distribution of electrons – van der Waals bond.

23 Mineral Stability Ion charges must sum to ZERO Ion sizes must be compatible (electron cloud)

24 Mineral Stability


26 Temperature and pressure play defining roles in establishing stability of mineral

27 Mineral Stability Why are there different forms of ice at different temperatures and pressures?

28 Mineral Stability Why are there different forms of ice at different temperatures and pressures? Because the ion sizes change, relative to each other, at different T & P, so the ideal packing changes.

29 Mineral Stability How might stishovite occur naturally?

30 Mineral Stability How might stishovite occur naturally? Meteorites! Minerals are clues to the past!

31 Mineral Stability How might stishovite occur naturally? Meteorites! Why are they still at the surface? Minerals are clues to the past!

32 Mineral Stability How might stishovite occur naturally? Meteorites! Why are they still at the surface? Metastability (too cold to change back) Minerals are clues to the past!

33 Diamonds only form naturally more than about 150 km beneath the surface. They are unstable at the surface – they will burn in a fire.

34 Mineral Composition

35 Rock-Forming Minerals A. Silicates –e.g., quartz (SiO 2 ), orthoclase (KAlSi 3 O 8 ) B. Non-silicate mineral groups –Carbonates - e.g., calcite (CaCO 3 ), dolomite (MgCa(CO 3 ) 2 ) –Oxides - e.g., hematite (Fe 2 O 3 ), magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 ) –Sulfides - e.g., pyrite (FeS 2 ), galena (PbS) –Sulfates - e.g., gypsum (CaSO 4 ) –Natives - e.g., gold (Au), silver (Ag), diamond (C), platinum (Pt) A. Silicates –e.g., quartz (SiO 2 ), orthoclase (KAlSi 3 O 8 ) B. Non-silicate mineral groups –Carbonates - e.g., calcite (CaCO 3 ), dolomite (MgCa(CO 3 ) 2 ) –Oxides - e.g., hematite (Fe 2 O 3 ), magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 ) –Sulfides - e.g., pyrite (FeS 2 ), galena (PbS) –Sulfates - e.g., gypsum (CaSO 4 ) –Natives - e.g., gold (Au), silver (Ag), diamond (C), platinum (Pt)

36 Silicates Make up 90% by weight of Earth’s crust Si and O are the two most abundant elements in the Earth’s crust (differentiation). Small silicon ions fit snugly in the niches among large closely packed oxygen ions. Si and O are the two most abundant elements in the Earth’s crust (differentiation). Small silicon ions fit snugly in the niches among large closely packed oxygen ions.

37 Silica Tetrahedron:

38 Slightly changing the different elements that combine with silica greatly changes the mineral that results, or the characteristics of the mineral. Ex/ Different forms of quartz

39 Types of Silicates Independent tetrahedra Single chains Double chains Sheets Framework Example: Olivine

40 Types of Silicates Independent tetrahedra Single chains Double chains Sheets Framework Example: Pyroxene

41 Types of Silicates Independent tetrahedra Single chains Double chains Sheets Framework Example: Amphibole

42 Types of Silicates Independent tetrahedra Single chains Double chains Sheets Framework Example: Muscovite

43 Types of Silicates Independent tetrahedra Single chains Double chains Sheets Framework Example: Quartz

44 Visit the EPS Mineral Collection

45 Only did up to here on 9/16 (it took an hour), to leave a half- hour for more planetary stuff

46 Identifying Minerals Color Luster Streak Hardness Cleavage Fracture Smell Taste Crystal form Density Laboratory tests A mineral’s chemical composition and crystal structure give it a unique combination of chemical and physical properties we can use to identify it.

47 Identifying Minerals Color Luster Streak Hardness Cleavage Fracture Smell Taste Crystal form Density Laboratory tests

48 Identifying Minerals Color Luster Streak Hardness Cleavage Fracture Smell Taste Crystal form Density Laboratory tests

49 Identifying Minerals Color Luster Streak Hardness Cleavage Fracture Smell Taste Crystal form Density Laboratory tests

50 Identifying Minerals Color Luster Streak Hardness Cleavage Fracture Smell Taste Crystal form Density Laboratory tests

51 Identifying Minerals Color Luster Streak Hardness Cleavage Fracture Smell Taste Crystal form Density Laboratory tests

52 Identifying Minerals Color Luster Streak Hardness Cleavage Fracture Smell Taste Crystal form Density Laboratory tests Figure 2-20

53 Identifying Minerals Color Luster Streak Hardness Cleavage Fracture Smell Taste Crystal form Density Laboratory tests

54 Identifying Minerals Color Luster Streak Hardness Cleavage Fracture Smell Taste Crystal form Density Laboratory tests Stibnite

55 Identifying Minerals Color Luster Streak Hardness Cleavage Fracture Smell Taste Crystal form Density Laboratory tests Figure 20-22

56 Identifying Minerals Color Luster Streak Hardness Cleavage Fracture Smell Taste Crystal form Density Laboratory tests EPS Electron Microprobe

57 Fluorescent lighting spectrum peaks

58 Peak numberWavelength of peak (nm)Species producing peak 1405.4mercurymercury 2436.6mercury 3487.7terbiumterbium 4542.4terbiumterbium 5546.5mercury 6577.7 terbiumterbium 7580.2mercury or terbiumterbium 8584.0terbium from Tb3+ or europium in Eu+3terbiumeuropium 9587.6 europium in Eu+3europium 10593.4 europium in Eu+3europium 11599.7europium in Eu+3europium 12611.6europium in Eu+3europium 13625.7terbium from Tb3+terbium 14631.1europium in Eu+3europium 15650.8europium in Eu+3europium 16662.6europium in Eu+3europium 17687.7 europium in Eu+3europium 18693.7europium in Eu+3europium 19707 and 709 europium in Eu+3europium 20712.3europium in Eu+3europium 21760.0 argonargon 22811.0argonargon

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