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“The media is an extension of our central nervous system” Marshall McLuhan.

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Presentation on theme: "“The media is an extension of our central nervous system” Marshall McLuhan."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The media is an extension of our central nervous system” Marshall McLuhan

2 What does he mean? Marshall McLuhan states in understanding the media: the extensions of Man that, “The principle of numbness comes into play with electronic technology, as with any other.” Marshall McLuhan also believed that the basis of our central nervous system is our brain, they have many different functions including running the systems of the rest of the body, thinking and entertaining. In order to aid the process of computing faster, technology has provided us with various mediums, such as computers. Computers allow us to work more effectively by aiding us in completing tasks which would otherwise be too difficult for our brain.

3 The central nervous system sight touch hearing smell taste

4 Technology has become an extension of our senses In particular:- In particular:- –Sound –Sight

5 Sound Telephone has become an extension of the ear Telephone has become an extension of the ear We can converse with those that are far away as if we were sat in front of them. We can converse with those that are far away as if we were sat in front of them. Made possible by speed of modern technology. Made possible by speed of modern technology.

6 Sight Television has become an extension of the eyes. Television has become an extension of the eyes. Speed of transmissions makes it possible to see things as they happen anywhere in the world. Speed of transmissions makes it possible to see things as they happen anywhere in the world.

7 “The wheel is an extension of the foot, the book an extension of the eye, clothing, an extension of the skin, electric circuitry, an extension of the central nervous system.” Marshall McLuhan

8 Other interpretations

9 The inverse theory The inverse theory The media becomes the core of the central nervous system. We become extensions of this new system, being controlled and manipulated by it. Therefore the media still is an extension of our nervous system. People act as individual cells in organs that stretch the width of the globe, making a “super- being” of mass communication potential.

10 The inverse theory The inverse theory Quite aged because as Levy’s transformation states, there has been a shift in communication: Quite aged because as Levy’s transformation states, there has been a shift in communication: –People are no longer just passive receivers of information. We are now able to be transmitters. –Interactivity levels have increased.

11 What does this mean? People will not only me manipulated by the media, the media will be manipulated by the people. People will not only me manipulated by the media, the media will be manipulated by the people. The communication process will be democratised. The communication process will be democratised.

12 We are “nomadic gatherers of knowledge…nomadic as ever before, free from fragmentary specialism… involved in the total social process as never before; since with electricity we extend our central nervous system globally, instantly interrelating every human experience.” Marshall McLuhan. Understanding Media 1964

13 Abul Sadek Jamal Hadaway Sabina Hussain Gemma Young

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