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Volcanoes By David L. Harrison Illustrated by Cheryl Nathan THIS WEEK STUDENTS WILL LEARN Comprehension Skill Compare/Contrast Comprehension Strategy.

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2 Volcanoes By David L. Harrison Illustrated by Cheryl Nathan THIS WEEK STUDENTS WILL LEARN Comprehension Skill Compare/Contrast Comprehension Strategy Monitor and Fix Up Vocabulary Strategy Dictionary

3 Expository Nonfiction Expository nonfiction gives facts and information. Look for facts about volcanoes as you read.

4 Guided Reading Groups

5 How can people use a scientific fact to protect themselves from natural disasters?

6 Compare & Contrast When you compare and contrast, you tell how two or more things are alike and different.

7 Concept Vocabulary Authorities: the officials in control Debris: scattered pieces or bits of something that has been torn down or blown up Evacuate: to get everyone out of a dangerous place or situation














21 United Streaming Volcanoes: Mountains of Fire Youtube: Type in How Volcanoes form (5 min)

22 One vowel at the beginning or in the middle of a word or syllable, it usually says it’s short sound. (At Ed’s It’s On Us !) CV/VCCV/VC

23 If it is not it may be a fantasy.



26 volcanoes Hills or mountains built up by lava and ash around an opening in Earth’s crust Volcanoes are very dangerous- mountains that blow out ash, rock and gas.

27 lava Hot, melted rock that flows onto Earth’s surface from deep inside Earth The lava exploded with great force-hot melted rock from inside the earth.

28 fireworks Firecrackers and other things that make a loud noise or go up high in the air and burst in a shower of stars and sparks Volcanoes are life’s big fireworks—colorful lights that blow up in the sky.

29 force power; strength The gas trapped in the mountain, forced the lava through the vent-power.

30 beneath in a lower place; under; below Beneath the crust the inner core would probably melt if it had less pressure- below.

31 buried Covered up; hidden The sofa was buried under the dirt-covered up.

32 chimney A tall, hollow column, usually made of brick, to carry away smoke from a fireplace or furnace The chimney carried away the smoke and ash from the house- tower that carries away smoke.

33 trembles Moves with a quick shaking motion My cat Jean trembles when it hears thunder- shakes.

34 crevice A crack in the Earth’s surface We live on the crust of the earth, and during earthquakes it can make crevices- cracks.

35 collide To crash into one another When two plates collide, mountains can be formed—crashed.

36 earthquakes Violent shaking or shifting motion of the ground caused by the sudden movement of rock far beneath Earth’s surface Many earthquakes occur where two plates meet- shifts of the crust.






42 Use some of the vocabulary words with the poster.

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