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Exploding Mountains! A Potpourri of SE’s: 5.5.B Shirley Willingham CAST, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploding Mountains! A Potpourri of SE’s: 5.5.B Shirley Willingham CAST, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploding Mountains! A Potpourri of SE’s: 5.5.B Shirley Willingham CAST, 2007

2 Exploding Mountains! Beneath the Earth’s crust lies a deep layer of rock called the mantle. Some of the rock in the mantle is melted, forming a hot, flowing substance called magma.

3 Exploding Mountains! Sometimes extreme pressure in the mantle forces the magma through weak spots in the Earth’s crust. Volcanoes form where the magma breaks through the crust. The magma that erupts out of the surface of the Earth is called lava.

4 Exploding Mountains! Sometimes volcanoes erupt explosively, spewing out hot ash, gas, smoke and chunks of rock.

5 Exploding Mountains! Dissolved gases in the magma determine whether or not the eruption will be explosive. The greater the amount of dissolved gases in the magma, the more explosive the eruption will be.

6 Exploding Mountains! Sometimes lava just oozes out of the volcano’s vent, or opening, and flows down its side.

7 Exploding Mountains! Cross section of a volcano magma chamber main vent lava crater layers of lava and ash secondary cone

8 Exploding Mountains! Volcanoes can benefit the Earth around them. They bring valuable minerals from the Earth’s mantle to the surface. They provide geothermal energy. Lava flows can also build new land, as they have in Hawaii.

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