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Chemical Protection. General requirements for protective clothing v Proper use and maintenance v Capabilities and limitations v Consequences of not using.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemical Protection. General requirements for protective clothing v Proper use and maintenance v Capabilities and limitations v Consequences of not using."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemical Protection

2 General requirements for protective clothing v Proper use and maintenance v Capabilities and limitations v Consequences of not using protective clothing 1a

3 General requirements for protective clothing v Human factors influencing clothing performance v Inspecting, donning, doffing, fitting clothing v Decontamination, cleaning, maintenance, repair 1b

4 General requirements for protective clothing v Emergency procedures and self- rescue in the event of clothing failure v Buddy system 1c

5 Match the protection to the hazard 2a

6 Combinations of the following can form a complete protective clothing ensemble: v Protective suit, coveralls, hoods, gloves, or boots v Respiratory equipment 2b

7 Combinations of the following can form a complete protective clothing ensemble: v Cooling system Ice vestIce vest Air circulationAir circulation Water circulationWater circulation 2c

8 Combinations of the following can form a complete protective clothing ensemble: v Communications devices v Head, eye, ear protection v Inner garment 2d

9 Combinations of the following can form a complete protective clothing ensemble: v Outer garment OverglovesOvergloves OverbootsOverboots Splash coverSplash cover 2e

10 Each ensemble must be tailored to the specific hazards; consider these factors: v Chemical hazards v Physical environment v Duration of exposure 2f

11 Each ensemble must be tailored to the specific hazards; consider these factors: v Protective clothing or equipment available v Some clothing may be decontaminated and reused; others may not 2g

12 Each ensemble must be tailored to the specific hazards; consider these factors: v Base selection of clothing on material chemical resistance Chemical hazard permeationChemical hazard permeation DegradationDegradation PenetrationPenetration 2h

13 Inspection 3a

14 Inspect equipment: v When it is received from the factory or distributor v When it is selected for a particular chemical operation 3b

15 Inspect equipment: v During storage v When questions arise as to the appropriateness of equipment v When problems are discovered with the equipment 3c

16 Inspection v After training, and before maintenance v Be sure to maintain proper records of all inspections 3d

17 Storage v Proper storage prevents damage or malfunction of equipment due to: Exposure to dustExposure to dust MoistureMoisture SunlightSunlight Damaging chemicalsDamaging chemicals Extreme temperaturesExtreme temperatures ImpactImpact 4a

18 Storage v Store potentially contaminated clothing separate from street clothing or unused protective clothing v Store potentially contaminated clothing in well-ventilated areas 4b

19 Storage v Maintain good air flow around each item v Store clothing and gloves by design and material v Fold or hang protective clothing according to manufacturer instructions 4c

20 Decontamination v Protects workers from hazardous substances that may contaminate and permeate: Protective clothingProtective clothing Respiratory equipmentRespiratory equipment ToolsTools VehiclesVehicles Other equipmentOther equipment 5a

21 Decontamination v Minimizes transfer of harmful materials into clean areas v Helps prevent mixing of incompatible chemicals 5b

22 Decontamination v Protects the community by preventing uncontrolled transportation of contaminants from the site 5c

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