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2 Presentation On Environmental forces influences garments industry a case study on Legal forces.

3 Submitted To: Maniruzzaman Lecturer, Department of Marketing
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT)

4 Presented By Name of students ID no. Intake Section Ali Imam
20th 4 MD. Shariful Islam Nasrin Sultana Kamrul Islam 18th 6

5 Introduction

6 Objectives Broad/General
To find out Environmental forces influences garments industry a case study on Legal forces. Short/Specific To have an idea about their motive and attitude toward their organization. To have an idea about their job and salary satisfaction. To submit the report to fulfill the academic purpose. To know the proper way to study a subject To increase the knowledge of conducting a research and writing the report.  

7 Methodology Methodology can properly refer to the theoretical analysis of the methods appropriate to the field of study or to the body of the methods and principles particular to a bench of knowledge. The methodology used by the study requires a systematic way selection of the topic to preparation of the final report. The overall process of methodology is given in the followings:

8 Types of research Sources of Data Primary Data
This is an Exploratory Research. Sources of Data Both primary and secondary sources of information have been collected for the purpose of this report. Primary Data The primary information has been collected by survey method. A standard questionnaire was developed on the basis of “Legal forces of garments Industry.” And we communicate respondent through person to person interview.   Secondary Data Different types of secondary data have been elaborated such as Websites, Prior research report, news report etc.

9 Data Collection Procedure
The information for this report obtained through primary and secondary sources method and questionnaire survey among 10 respondents of two garments company. The method, which followed, for data collection is survey and communication study. Questionnaire Both open-ended and fixed alternative questions are used in the questionnaire. Fixed alternative question includes simple dichotomy question, simple attitude scale and multiple choice questions.

10 Sampling Plan Population Sample frame
Population The target population is garments employees. Sample elements Among the population, any type of garments employee are selected to survey. Sample frame We design sample frame on the basis of region. Mirpur-1 Mirpur-2 Asulia (Savar area)

11 Sample Method Sample Size Limitation
Non probability convenient procedure was used for drawing sample elements. Sample Size The sample size is limited to 10 for all type of garments employees. Limitation Unavailability of specific data from every sector. Lack of Statistics.. Time Constraint. Confidentiality. Sometimes employees of the organization felt uneasy to supply relevant information as needed for the study. The employees were very busy, so they could not give me enough time for discussion about various aspects of legal forces.

12 Company Profile

13 Company Profile( BABYLON Group)
Background The journey of Babylon group began in 1986 with a handful of sewing machines to produce woven products in small scale. Sincere efforts, constant strive towards efficiency and commitment towards highest level of quality fueled the growth of Babylon to become one of the iconic ready-made garment and textile industries of the country employing over 10,000 skilled workers in 14 concerns and has an annual revenue earning surpassing 90 million US Dollars (2009). All units of Babylon thrive for excellence in knit, woven and casual wear manufacturing; washing, dyeing, garment accessory manufacturing, printing & packaging, embroidery & screen print, transporting, clearing & forwarding and fashion wear retailing.

14 Vision Mission Objective
We view business as a means to the material and social wellbeing of the investors, employees and the society at large, leading to accretion of wealth through financial and moral gains as a part of the process of the human civilization. Mission Our Mission is to produce and provide quality & innovative product for people, and maintain stringently ethical standard in business operation also ensuring benefit to the shareholders, stakeholders and the society at large. Objective Our objectives are to conduct transparent business operation based on market mechanism within the legal & social frame work with aims to attain the mission reflected by our vision.

15 SWOT Analysis Strength
Strength The strength of Babylon Group lies in its facilities, skilled human resource and management. Following are some of the highlights -   computerized inventory management system at every factory facility All the factories have their own power generation and distribution facilities The quality of Babylon is recognized by the international standardization authorities like ISO.   Availability of modern machinery and equipment that can cater the diverse requirements of customers The group has all sorts of support facilities within its concerns which directly contribute to smoother execution of the orders and cost reduction

16 Weaknesses Opportunities
Determine an organisation’s weaknesses, not only from its point of view, but also more importantly, from customers. Although it may be difficult for an organisation to acknowledge its weaknesses. The weakness is Not connected with final user. Lack of financial support. Need more external and internal network supporter. Opportunities Another major factor is to determine how organizations can continue to grow within the marketplace. After all, opportunities are everywhere, such as the changes in technology, government policy, social patterns, and so on. An opportunity is a major situation in a firm’s environment. Key trends are one source of opportunities. Identification of a previously overlooked market segment, changes in competitive or regulatory circumstances, technological changes, and improved buyer or supplier relationships could represent opportunities from the firm.

17 Threats  No one likes to think about threats, but we still have to face them, despite the fact that they are external factors that are out of our control, for example, the recent economic slump in Asia. It is vital to be prepared and face threats even during turbulent times. A threat is a major unfavourable situation in a firm’s environment. Threats are key barrier to the firm’s current or desired position. The entrance of new competitors, Slow market growth, Increased bargaining power of key buyers or suppliers, Technological changes, and New or revised regulations could represent threats to a firm’s success.

18 Company Profile (VIYELLATEX)
Background VIYELLATEX started its journey in 1996 as a knit apparel and textile manufacturing company. Since then, it has expanded gradually to become a conglomerate with spinning, printing, accessories and woven garments facilities. VIYELLATEX is now looking towards a more vibrant future by diversifying the business in different sectors. Starting as a quality textile manufacturing company, it has come a long way to diversify into logistics and agro business. Now it is also venturing into the energy and engineering sector.  

19 Vision At Viyellatex, we strive to provide world class service and the best value to our customers. We thrive for excellence and work for ensuring a pleasant, clean and professional working condition for our employees and the people we do business with. Mission Our Mission is to produce and provide quality & innovative product for people, and maintain strictly ethical standard in business operation also ensuring benefit to the shareholders, stakeholders and the society at large. Objective Our objectives are to conduct transparent business operation based on market mechanism within the legal & social frame work with aims to attain the mission reflected by our vision.

20 SWOT Analysis Strengths Self belief Confidence
Good Relationship with internal and external employees, customer and supplier Weakness Need more internal and external supporter. Lack of financial support Not connected with final user.

21 Opportunities Changing consumer preferences
Design product by addressing the need and demand of target market Increasing rate of population Potential of relatively low operating costs and enjoy economies of scale Prepare separate financial statement Analyze sustainability and financial ratio Develop expertise to assess risks Threats Entrants the new competitor Unfavorable government rules and regulation regarding Garment business. Bangladesh is economically unstable country. Flood, draught, cyclone and newly added terrorism have become an identity of our country. So revenue earnings trend fluctuate huge.

22 Analysis & Findings

23 1.Have you heard the word “Legal forces”?
We see that most of employees in Garment Industry heard the concept legal forces. In this graph 60% of the employees hear and 40% employees do not know about the concept of legal forces. But many of them didn’t know appropriately.

24 2. Do you think Garments Industry have occur legal activities with employees?
Maximum employees said they are neglected in their working area and company occur illegal activities by their employees. They work more but get less. The firm earn more but they give their employees small amount of benefit and employees life is so harder.

25 3. Do you think Garments Industry maintain a sufficient salary structure in every employee?
The garment industry should not maintain a sufficient salary structure in every employees. Employees work hard but they get less amount of salary. About 80% employees said the salary structure is lower. They didn't get any incentives, bonus in their performance and festival. Many of the garments didn’t pay salary in due time so employees life made harder. They also said the price of daily necessary thing increasing quickly but their salary didn’t increase.

26 4. Do you think they made gender discrimination between man and woman?
Most of the employees said organization didn’t occur gender discrimination but approximately same of the said they occur gender discrimination. About 60% said farm pay equil benefit between man and woman. 40% said organization should not pay equal benefit, they also said woman work more rather than the man but woman get low salary and other benefit to the man.

27 5. Do you think the organization recruit employees as satisfactory age of law?  
Most of the said recruit employees as satisfactory age according to the law of Govt. 30% said farm recruit employees as dissafactory age, they also said they higher employees as child labor. 10% of employees didn’t want to talk in this subject. They said farm higher child labor because of low salary.

28 6. Do you think the working environment of garment industry is better?
Maximum employees said the working environment of garment industry is not good. About 80% employees said they work in a bad environment, they also said huge employees work at a small place. There is no medical facility and there is no man and woman different working place they work together. The hotness, noising, and the most important thing are the shortness of bathroom employees occur became seek. 20% employees said the work environment is better.

29 7. Do you think the garment industry maintain the rules and regulation of Govt. in their Business activities? About same as employees said garment industry should maintain the rules and regulation of Govt. in their business activities. They also said this is their thinking but not absolutely right.

30 8. Do you think the garment Industry occur environmental pollution?
Maximum employees said garments industry should not polluted in environment and 30% of employees said they polluted the environment and also 30% didn’t want to talk any comment. They said farm chemical polluted the water and their wastage fall in outside the farm so it can polluted the environment.

31 9. Do you think the garment Industry gives an enough Tax in Govt
9. Do you think the garment Industry gives an enough Tax in Govt. that has calculated in every year? Most of the employees didn’t want to tell any comment because they don’t know how many profit earn in each year and how much they paid taxes in govt. some are contraceptive to tell about this thing.

32 10. Do you think the garment Industry employees work more hours compare to the other industry?
Maximum employees said garment worker work more hour compare to the other industry. Almost 90% employees said this thing. They said they work huge but get small salary. Sometimes they work overtime, so they didn’t have enough time in hand to share in their family, entertainment or other work.

33 11. Do you think the work environment is safe for employees?
About 78% employees said the work environment is not safe for him especially the female worker. Male and female worker work together so they always have tension to get an violence. The male worker said they work in heavy machine but they have no security instrument so they have tension to occur any kind of accident.

34 12. Do you think Garment workers are neglected in every steps of their work environment?
Most of the employees said they are always neglected in their work environment and some of said they are neglected in sometime also some said they are not neglegclected in work environment. They said we are work harder but get small benefit and many employees work nothing but they get more. They neglected in every steps in not only inside the farm but also in outside the farm.

35 13. Do you think the activities of Garment Industry are benefited for society?
Maximum employees said the activities of garment industry are benefited the society. More garments set to create more vacancy and more people get job. Industry develop the road, bridge those are needed to transportation of product and also occur various work for their reputation. In this case the society is more benefited.

36 14. Do you believe the Govt. should take appropriate action about those is breaking the Law?
Most of the employees believe that govt. has not taken any action those are braking the laws because of political reason. They said most of the owner of the garments is politically established so they use power if govt. should taken any action. But 20% said they believe govt. should taken action those are breaking the laws if not now even future. 10% didn’t want tell nothing.

37 Major Findings, Recommendation & Conclusion

38 Major Findings The owner of the Garment industry has doing illegal activities that are against the laws. The salary structure of Garment industry is lower. Maximum number of garments employees are primary level educated. Gender discrimination has occurred the garment industry. The age of the employees is lower that the govt. law and garment industry recruit the child labor. Employees are work in a bad environment, the working environment of garment is bad. Same as employees said garment industry should not maintain the rules and regulation of govt.

39 Garment industry has liability to pollute the environment.
The owner of the garment has tried to give a small amount of money in tax by govt. 90% of employees said they work more hour compare to the other industry but they have get small. 78%% of respondents said their work environment is not safe from him. Maximum number respondent said they are neglected in their work area even also outside the organization. The garment industry should have work for society and their business activities or other societal activities have much more benefited for society. Employees of the garment industry believe that govt. should occur nothing those who are breaking the laws because of political benefit.

40 Recommendation Organization should increase salary for the employees to reduce Grievance and increase productivity. Organization tries to break the gender discrimination. Govt. should have more taken strong laws about the child labor and implement it, organization have to stop the recruit the child labor. Employee’s workplace should be kept in safety. The Govt. should take strong action those are breaking the rules and regulation of Govt. and motivate the employer to maintain the rules and regulation of govt. Garments should stop to pollute the environment and give penalty those are polluted the environment.

41 Govt. is more conscious about the tax and higher efficient people to audit their tax.
Increase the salary of the employees because they work more and pay it in due time. Employees should give an honor about their position because their work are great impact on our economy. Govt. should give and strong penalty those are breaking the laws and try to stop it to get an political benefit of the garments owner.

42 Conclusion In Bangladesh Garments industry plays an important role to cycling the economic wheel of the country. Every year the county earns a huge amount of money by exporting its products from various countries. Its main imported countries are USA, UK, Canada, Japan, and Saudi Arabia and so on. But unfortunately the workers who are the key person to make up products are being neglected since initial stage of this industry. Their salary level is very low in compare to their level of work they are doing. The huge employee’s age is less than 18 and they work in very dangerous situation. The work environment is very much poor and gender discrimination is huge. In this report we try find out the legal forces of the garments industry. By analyzing them we found that they are actually neglected even from their general rights that they can claim from the organization. The organization occur huge amount unlawful activities in compare to the other organization.




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