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…. Another Stated Truth…  O.T. & N.T. passages re: man’s dress  God’s desire for our outward appearance  Precautions He gave to ensure proper coverage.

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4 Another Stated Truth…  O.T. & N.T. passages re: man’s dress  God’s desire for our outward appearance  Precautions He gave to ensure proper coverage  Actions He took when His people failed to dress appropriately

5  “Nakedness” doesn’t just mean totally nude cp. 2:25  God obviously wasn’t pleased with how Adam & Eve covered themselves  Modesty isn’t just about others seeing us without proper clothing Patriarchal Age Gen 3:7, 10-11, 21

6  God made provisions for even “accidental” revealing of flesh  Proper undergarments that covered the thigh to the knees Mosaic Age Ex 20:26 28:40-43

7  Focus is not to be on one’s outer appearance  Yet, the “quality” of our dress is discussed with meaningful terms [defined later]  True adorning = good works that make a claim to godliness Gospel Age 1 Tim 2:8-10

8 New Testament Modesty…  One particular passage Ù 1 Tim 2:9  It is important we understand the terms Paul uses in the text  Terms chosen by the Holy Spirit 1 Cor 2:10, 12-13

9 New Testament Modesty…  One particular passage Ù 1 Tim 2:9 PROPER  “Modest” or “Modestly” or “Respectable”  To be well-arranged; seemly; appropriate  Wearing stripes with plaids isn’t the point  To be honorable 1 Tim 3:2

10 New Testament Modesty…  One particular passage Ù 1 Tim 2:9 MODESTLY  “Propriety” or “Shamefacedness” or “Decency”  Having a sense of shame…the ability to blush Jer 6:13-15

11 New Testament Modesty…  One particular passage Ù 1 Tim 2:9 MODESTLY  Uncovering the leg above the knee is to be Biblically “naked” Isa 47:2-3  “Shamefast” is similar to “Bedfast” (to be “fast” or tied to something)

12 New Testament Modesty…  One particular passage Ù 1 Tim 2:9 MODESTLY  An attitude that won’t do anything that brings shame, or makes one “ashamed”  “An attitude that refrains a good man from an unworthy act” [Thayer]

13 New Testament Modesty…  One particular passage Ù 1 Tim 2:9 DISCREETLY  “Moderation” or Sobriety” or “Propriety” or “Self-Control”  To be of a sound mind…to be sober in judgment Acts 26:24-25

14 New Testament Modesty…  One particular passage Ù 1 Tim 2:9 DISCREETLY  A seriousness about something important  Anything to learn from Lk 8:27, 29, 35? cp. 2 Tim 2:24-26  An indicator that discipleship is serious

15 New Testament Modesty…  One particular passage Ù 1 Tim 2:9 DISCREETLYMODESTLYPROPER Appropriate Honorable Have a sense of shame Soberness Seriousness We must not yield this to the world Rom 12:2

16 The Disciple’s Real Clothing…  We must “walk in the light” 1 Jn 1:5-7  If we do this, our specific choice and wearing of clothing will not be a problem  The issue of immodesty will be solved (garment length, tightness, etc.)

17 The Disciple’s Real Clothing…  The N.T. metaphor of faithfulness = the putting on a garment  Baptism = “clothed w/ Christ” Gal 3:27  “To put on; to be clothed with”  Literal uses Mt 6:25 27:31

18 The Disciple’s Real Clothing…  The N.T. metaphor of faithfulness = the putting on a garment  Baptism = “clothed w/ Christ” Gal 3:27  “To put on; to be clothed with”  Figurative uses 1 Cor 15:53 Eph 4:24 Col 3:10

19 The Disciple’s Real Clothing…  Other N.T. passages teach similarly Titus 2:10 1 Pet 5:5 Rev 19:7-8  Why would a disciple dress immodestly?  To do so doesn’t match the efforts to “put on Christ & His doctrine”

20 The Disciple’s Real Clothing…  All these passages help support the thrust of 1 Tim 2:9b-10 …not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments; but rather by means of good works, as befits women making a claim to godliness.

21 The Disciple’s Real Clothing…  All these passages help support the thrust of 1 Tim 2:9b-10  Real Success! Titus 2:11-12 2 Pet 1:3 …not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments; but rather by means of good works, as befits women making a claim to godliness.

22 Closing Thoughts…  What the only real “success” in life?  Is it not reaching heaven? Jn 14:2-3 2 Cor 5:8-9 Phil 1:23 1 Thess 4:17b  All other pursuits are earthly…they do not matter and will eventually fail

23 Closing Thoughts…  This lesson is directed toward saints  Each disciple must examine not just his wardrobe…but really, his heart  Are you dressing for eternal success?  Would the Lord approve of your dress?


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