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PPT Presentation : Jeans By students numbered from one to fifteen in Class One, Grade 2007 Group leader and PPT presenter: 卢雯璨.

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Presentation on theme: "PPT Presentation : Jeans By students numbered from one to fifteen in Class One, Grade 2007 Group leader and PPT presenter: 卢雯璨."— Presentation transcript:

1 PPT Presentation : Jeans By students numbered from one to fifteen in Class One, Grade 2007 Group leader and PPT presenter: 卢雯璨

2 J E A N S

3 1.History of jeans ► 2.Styles & Fashion ► 3.Famous Brands

4 History of jeans ► Jeans were invented a little over a century ago; jeans are the world ’ s most popular, versatile garment, crossing boundaries of class, age and nationality. From their origins as pure workwear, they have spread through every level of the fashion spectrum, embraced internationally for their unmatched comfort and appeal. Constantly in demand, they have survived the passing of both trends and time, capturing the ethos of each succeeding decade. While their charisma springs from their legendary American roots, their commercial strength rests on innovation and interpretation in the hands of jeanswear makers around the world.

5 In the mid ’40s, the Second World War came to an end, and denim blue jeans, previously worn almost exclusively as workwear, gained new status in the U.S. and Europe. Rugged but relaxed, they stood for freedom and a bright future. Sported by both men, women and sharp teenagers, they seemed as clean and strong as the people who choose to wear them. In Europe, surplus Levi’s were left behind by American armed forces and were available in limited supplies. It’s the population’s first introduction to the denim legend. Workwear manufacturers tried to copy the U.S. originals, but those in the know insisted on the real thing. ► 1 9 4 0 S

6 1 9 6 0 S ► By the beginning of the ’60s, slim jeans became a leisurewear staple, as teens began to have real fun, forgetting the almost desperate energy of the previous decade, cocooned in wealth and security. But the seeds of change had been sown, and by the mid ’60s jeans had acquired yet another social connotation—as the uniform of the budding social and sexual revolution. Jeans were the great equalizer, the perfect all-purpose garment for the classless society sought by the hippy generation. In the fight for civil rights, at anti-war demonstrations on the streets of Paris, at sit-ins and love-ins everywhere, the battle cried was heard above a sea of blue.

7 1 9 9 0 S ► The high living and conspicuous consumption of the ’ 80s proved to many to be an empty pursuit, and the beginning of the ’ 90s saw a widespread reevaluation of priorities. Facing the next millennium, people became more concerned with the environment, family life and old- fashioned values. This search for quality and authenticity helped to perpetuate the basics boom of the late ’ 80s, leading to an interest in period originals and in newer lines that recaptured the details and fabrics of the past. Once again adapting to the spirit of the times, jeans represented an old friend, practical and modern yet linked to the purer, simpler life of days gone by.


9 ► S► S► S► Show ourselves!Nowadays

10 Skinny jeans of narrow type

11 Braces in water waist jeans

12 Big trumpet legs Jeans

13 Straight cylinder ► Little pants

14 Famous Brands ► LEVI’S ----- 1847 ► CK ----- 1968 ► REPLAY ---- 1978 ► DIESEL ----- 1978 ► GUESS ----- 1981 ► DKNY ----- 1988

15 LEVI’S ► 1847 ► America



18 CK 1968 America ► Founder: Calvin Klein

19 There`s nothing between Calvin and me There`s nothing between Calvin and me

20 Replay 1978 ► REPLAY Ilaly Stylist: Buziol Claudio ► Established in 1978


22 09 Spring& Summer We Are Replay

23 We Are Replay 的 2009 春夏服装有怀旧 特色,带有军装 元素的牛仔外套, 有带褶皱元素的 衬衫,出色的剪 裁与独特的设计 的牛仔裤。

24 DIESEL 1978 Italy

25 ► 1978 Italy ► Founder & Chairman : ► MR.Renzo Rosso Construction Cost in US is $115


27 GUESS 1981 New York

28 2008 Autumn& Winter Theme: “ Denim Is My World ” ► 张雨绮

29 D K N Y 1988 New York ► A UNIFORM FOR NEW YORK

30 09 DKNY Spring & Summer

31 09 DKNY Autumn


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