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THE CONSISTENT ETHIC OF LIFE Searching for the Seamless Garment.

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Presentation on theme: "THE CONSISTENT ETHIC OF LIFE Searching for the Seamless Garment."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE CONSISTENT ETHIC OF LIFE Searching for the Seamless Garment

2 The Consistent Ethic of Life  SCV.03 identify the role of Scripture in ethical and moral decision-making;  PFV.03 explore ways Church teaching can help people understand contemporary ethical and moral issues as part of the discernment process.  CMV.05 apply Church teaching to contemporary ethical and moral issues.  FLV.03 apply related Church teaching to values and practices that promote or undermine relationships and the sacredness of life.  We will identify and describe the significance of the consistent ethic of life as it relates to the themes of CST and contemporary issues.

3 When we engage in discussion about moral or ethical issues, we can let our passions guide our debate and use a disrespectful tone. The protocols for discussion inhibit disrespect and encourage thoughtful, critical, and significant interactions. The simplest protocol is ‘The Four A’s:’ What might I agree with, add, ask, or argue? Discussion Protocols

4 The Consistent Ethic of Life  What often distinguishes church teaching (or any other systematic philosophy) from personal opinion is the implicit and coherent logic that derives from linking ethical decisions to moral fundamentals.  Such systematic philosophies do not dictate or pre- determine responses to individual issues or questions but rather they provide a framework that allows for dissent, discernment, and debate.

5 The Consistent Ethic of Life  Premised on the belief that all people possess an essential human dignity, Catholic teaching articulates a broad and compelling vision for discernment.  The Consistent Ethic of Life (CEL) is just that, an ethic (a code of behaviour) that is consistent (coherent) for all questions of life (the way in which the human person survives and thrives).

6 The Consistent Ethic of Life  The scriptural metaphor that is used is the “seamless garment” after the Gospel description of the tunic that was taken from Jesus at his crucifixion: the soldiers couldn’t divide it amongst themselves because it was woven from a single piece of cloth.  Thus the CEL sees that our response to contemporary issues and our application of CST cannot be divided to suit the practicality of a given situation.

7 The Consistent Ethic of Life All Life is Sacred The Life and Dignity of the Human Person Participation: Family & Community Rights & Responsibilities Option for the Poor… The Dignity of Work & Rights of Workers Solidarity Stewardship Promotion of Peace

8 The Consistent Ethic of Life  The CEL was first publically described by Joseph Cardinal Bernadin (US) and refers extensively to the encyclical, Evangelium Vitae by Pope John Paul II.  Read the article identifying: 1. New and significant terms; 2. Key points and big ideas; 3. Responses to the given questions.

9 The Consistent Ethic of Life A Pro-life Outlook Because we have been sent into the world as a "people for life," our proclamation must also become a genuine celebration of the gospel of life... For this to happen, we need first of all to foster, in ourselves and in others, a contemplative outlook. Such an outlook arises from faith in the God of life, who has created every individual as a "wonder" (cf. Ps 139:14). It is the outlook of those who see life in its deeper meaning, who grasp its utter gratuitousness, its beauty and its invitation to freedom and responsibility. It is the outlook of those who do not presume to take possession of reality but instead accept it as a gift, discovering in all things the reflection of the Creator and seeing in every person his living image (cf. Gn 1:27; Ps 8:5). This outlook does not give in to discouragement when confronted by those who are sick, suffering, outcast or at death's door. Instead, in all these situations it feels challenged to find meaning, and precisely in these circumstances it is open to perceiving in the face of every person a call to encounter, dialogue and solidarity. It is time for all of us to adopt this outlook, and with deep religious awe to rediscover the ability to revere and honor every person. The Gospel of Life (#83)

10 The Consistent Ethic of Life What might it mean to we each individual as a “wonder.” How might this approach change three aspects of your life, behaviour, or thinking? A Pro-life Outlook Because we have been sent into the world as a "people for life," our proclamation must also become a genuine celebration of the gospel of life... For this to happen, we need first of all to foster, in ourselves and in others, a contemplative outlook. Such an outlook arises from faith in the God of life, who has created every individual as a "wonder" (cf. Ps 139:14). It is the outlook of those who see life in its deeper meaning, who grasp its utter gratuitousness, its beauty and its invitation to freedom and responsibility. It is the outlook of those who do not presume to take possession of reality but instead accept it as a gift, discovering in all things the reflection of the Creator and seeing in every person his living image (cf. Gn 1:27; Ps 8:5). This outlook does not give in to discouragement when confronted by those who are sick, suffering, outcast or at death's door. Instead, in all these situations it feels challenged to find meaning, and precisely in these circumstances it is open to perceiving in the face of every person a call to encounter, dialogue and solidarity. It is time for all of us to adopt this outlook, and with deep religious awe to rediscover the ability to revere and honor every person. The Gospel of Life (#83)

11 The Consistent Ethic of Life  What images, metaphors, or ideas can you think of to describe the CEL (i.e., the seamless garment)?  Provide one in your notes and be prepared to share it.

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