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Homer’s The Odyssey Vocabulary.

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1 Homer’s The Odyssey Vocabulary

2 Vocabulary: Part 1 chide disdain dote entice entreat foreboding
formidable guile profuse remnant whim (v.) to plead or ask urgently (n.) a feeling of contempt or scorn (adj.) causing fear, dread, or apprehension (n.) deceitful cunning; duplicity (adj.) exhibiting great abundance; ample (n.) a sudden idea or change of opinion (v.) to be excessive in one's attention (v.) to attract or tempt (n.) a prediction, especially of coming evil (n.) a small part or trace remaining (v) to voice disapproval to; scold

3 Vocabulary: Part 1 Answers
chide k disdain b dote g entice h entreat a foreboding i formidable c guile d profuse e remnant j whim f (v.) to plead or ask urgently (n.) a feeling of contempt or scorn (adj.) causing fear, dread, or apprehension (n.) deceitful cunning; duplicity (adj.) exhibiting great abundance; ample (n.) a sudden idea or change of opinion (v.) to be excessive in one's attention (v.) to attract or tempt (n.) a prediction, especially of coming evil (n.) a small part or trace remaining (v) to voice disapproval to; scold

4 Vocabulary: Part 2 ardor blanch dwindle frenzy grapple omen peril
disconsolate dwindle frenzy grapple omen peril plunder scourge vile (adj.) cheerless, dejected, downcast (adj.) physically repulsive; foul (n.) extreme vigor or energy; loyalty (v.) to become white or pale (v.) to become steadily less; shrink (v.) to seize; wrestle (n.) exposure to risk; danger (n.) a cause of great affliction or pain (n.) an intense and usually wild activity (n.) an event thought to herald the future (v.) to take by force or wrongfully; steal

5 Vocabulary: Part 3 desolation implacable lavish rash restitution
commandeer desolation implacable lavish rash restitution revelry revulsion smite tremulous wily (n.) a sense of hatred or disgust (v.) to strike sharply or heavily (adj.) hasty or impulsive (n.) giving an equivalent for an injury (v.) to take forcible possession of (n.) noisy partying or merrymaking (adj.) crafty, sly (n.) grief, sadness; devastation, ruin (adj.) produced in abundance or excess (adj.) incapable of being satisfied (adj.) affected with shyness or nervousness; shaky

6 Hero Story Task: Write a “hero’s story” using your new vocabulary words. Use ALL eleven vocabulary words and underline them Minimum one page (handwritten) Use words correctly according to their parts of speech Make an interesting story! Due TOMORROW!

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