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4.3.4 Legal V Moral Issues. Legal V Moral Issues Legal:- Is an action that is serious and against the law. This brings in the police or other local authorities.

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Presentation on theme: "4.3.4 Legal V Moral Issues. Legal V Moral Issues Legal:- Is an action that is serious and against the law. This brings in the police or other local authorities."— Presentation transcript:

1 4.3.4 Legal V Moral Issues

2 Legal V Moral Issues Legal:- Is an action that is serious and against the law. This brings in the police or other local authorities. This can lead to a fine or even imprisonment. Moral:- Although an action is considered wrong, it is not actually illegal.

3 Disinformation False information intended to mislead! Moral Example:- Not fully informing a potential customers or clients of all the available facts concerning products / services (e.g. the imminent introduction of a new model of the products they are going to purchase.) Legal Example:- A hospital not supplying a patient with information about their illness to cover up a mistake that has been made in the medical diagnosis. Refusing to supply correct personal information is a breach of DPA.

4 Privacy – Keeping Information Private Moral Issue:- Buying lists of data inorder to junk mail or companies monitoring staff’s use of email / internet. Legal Issue:- Selling personal details of those who haven’t given permission. Against DPA.

5 Employment Patterns:- Less 9-5 work, Mon - Fri Moral Issue:- Employees feel spied on from monitoring, taken advantage of with low pay for single mothers working from home and new low paid part time flexibility. Legal Issue:- Risk of illness from RSI & Stress. Organisations have a legal issue to protect employees by providing correct equipment. (See Health and Safety)

6 Equity:- Fairness Rich countries can take advantage of the latest ICT development, poorer countries have to make do with older equipment. Information Rich = taking advantage of cheap holidays, loans. Information Poor = Haven’t got the access to such information.

7 Intellectual Property Rights Is it you or the business that you produce the work for the owner of the product?? Many companies have in their code of conduct that any work produced during working hours belongs to them!

8 Hot Seat:- Court Room Person 1:- You are the owner of a company, a staff member wants to sell on a product he has made to a rival company. It was made during work hours. Plead your case. Person 2:- You are the staff member who made the product, you don’t think you have been rewarded enough for the product and deserve to sell it to the highest bidder. Plead your case. Rest of group – Asks Questions back and forth to lead to a hot seat winner.

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