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Notes on the Bill of Rights

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1 Notes on the Bill of Rights

2 1st Amendment Guarantees freedom of religion, of speech, and of the press; the right to assemble peacefully; and the right to petition the government.


4 Right to possess firearms
2nd Amendment Right to possess firearms

5 Government may not require people to house soldiers during peacetime.
3rd Amendment Government may not require people to house soldiers during peacetime. What about during war?

6 Protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures
4th Amendment Protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures

7 5th Amendment Due Process- “I plead the 5th” Cannot be forced to be a witness against themselves and cannot be tried for the same crime twice.

8 Right to a trial by jury in criminal cases
6th Amendment Right to a trial by jury in criminal cases

9 Right to a trial by jury in most civil cases
7th Amendment Right to a trial by jury in most civil cases

10 (prevents) excessive bail, fines, and punishments
8th Amendment Prohibits (prevents) excessive bail, fines, and punishments

11 9th Amendment Declares the rights not mentioned in the Constitution belong to the people

12 The right to an adequate basic education
The right to an adequate basic education. The Supreme Court has explicitly rejected this as a fundamental constitutional right, but many state courts have interpreted their state constitutions to protect this right. The Supreme Court would do well to follow their lead. The right to travel within the United States and to enter and leave the country freely (subject to clearly demonstrated national security needs).

13 The right to government protection from private violence: when the government knows of the violence and has the resources to deal with the problem, it cannot simply sit on its hands. The right to refuse unwanted medical treatment, including the right of terminally ill patients to reject life support.

14 10th Amendment Declares the rights not given to the national government belong to the states or to the people (reserved powers)

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