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Effective Advocacy Teri E. Flack FGS 2014 Conference August 27, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Advocacy Teri E. Flack FGS 2014 Conference August 27, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Advocacy Teri E. Flack FGS 2014 Conference August 27, 2014

2 What is Advocacy? Advocate: “One who defends or maintains a cause or proposal; to plead in favor of; to plead against” Advocacy: “The act or process of advocating”

3 Advocacy Advocacy can involve big issues – national in scope – or it can focus on local issues. Too often we focus on those big issues, or the ones that have reached a crisis stage, and overlook issues in our own backyards. Advocacy can start with your own community.

4 Silence has a cost Bad things may happen because good people don’t raise their voices. If we don’t speak up; If we don’t articulate the issues and our concerns; If we remain silent; If we believe someone else will always take the lead: Policymakers will conclude we don’t care. And we have to live with the consequences.

5 They are Important & Influential group They care about the issues They know more than others They can counter erroneous info Members of your Society Can Make a Difference

6 Is informed about issues and policy; knows the facts Backs up his/her position with solid, accurate information Identifies appropriate policymakers to approach An Effective Advocate:

7 Develops an easily articulated, coherent, and cohesive message Uses multiple voices to ensure validity and to enhance visibility Mobilizes the grassroots in support of his/her position An Effective Advocate:

8 Uses relevant examples to make his/her position personal and human Knows the arguments used by opponents, and uses facts to refute those arguments Finds allies to present a unified position Employs multiple approaches to ensure the message reaches the intended target An Effective Advocate:

9 Effective Advocacy Takes Planning Identify Problem Define Solution Take Action

10 Identify the Issue Develop Supporting Arguments Define Request Get the Facts Find Allies Understand the Opposition Identify the “right” Policymaker Devise a Strategy Choose Tactics Mobilize Grassroots Take Action Don’t Give Up! Path to Effective Advocacy

11 Effective Advocacy Teri E. Flack FGS 2014 Conference August 27, 2014

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