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Sub-linear Zero-Knowledge Argument for Correctness of a Shuffle Jens Groth University College London Yuval Ishai Technion and University of California.

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Presentation on theme: "Sub-linear Zero-Knowledge Argument for Correctness of a Shuffle Jens Groth University College London Yuval Ishai Technion and University of California."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sub-linear Zero-Knowledge Argument for Correctness of a Shuffle Jens Groth University College London Yuval Ishai Technion and University of California Los Angeles TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: A A AAAAA A A A A A A

2 Initial question Kilian 92 gave sub-linear size zero-knowledge argument for SAT Not practical though (SAT statement, PCP theorem,... ) Is there a practical sub-linear zero-knowledge argument? Yes! We will give sub-linear shuffle argument

3 Mix-net: Anonymous message broadcast m π (1) m π (2) m π (N) … π1π1 π2π2 π = π 1 π 2 m1m1 m2m2 mNmN Threshold decryption

4 Problem: Corrupt mix-server m π (1) m π (2) m´ π (N) … π1π1 π2π2 π = π 1 π 2 m1m1 m2m2 mNmN Threshold decryption

5 Solution: Zero-knowledge argument m π (1) m π (2) m π (N) … π1π1 π2π2 π = π 1 π 2 m1m1 m2m2 mNmN Threshold decryption Server 1 ZK argument No message changed (soundness) Server 2 ZK argument Permutation still secret (zero-knowledge)

6 ElGamal encryption Setup:Group G of prime order q with generator g Public key:pk = y = g x Encryption:E pk (m; r) = (g r, y r m) Decryption:D x (u,v) = vu -x Homomorphic: E pk (m; r) × E pk (M; R) = E pk (mM; r+R) Re-randomization: E pk (m; r) × E pk (1; R) = E pk (m; r+R)

7 e 1 e 2 e 3 e 4 e 5 Shuffle e ¼ ( 1 ) e ¼ ( 2 ) e ¼ ( 3 ) e ¼ ( 4 ) e ¼ ( 5 ) E 1 E 2 E 3 E 4 E 5 Input ciphertexts e 1,…,e N Permuteto get e π (1),…,e π (N) Re-randomize themE i = e π (i) × E pk (1;R i ) Output ciphertextsE 1,...,E N

8 Zero-knowledge shuffle argument Statement: (pk,e 1,...,e N,E 1,...,E N ) ProverVerifier , R 1,...,R N  Sound: Shuffle is correct Zero-knowledge: Nothing but truth revealed; permutation is secret

9 Public coin honest verifier zero-knowledge Statement: (pk,e 1,...,e N,E 1,...,E N ) ProverVerifier Setup: (G,q,g) and common random string Public coin: Random challenges from Z q Honest verifier zero-knowledge Nothing but truth revealed; permutation secret Can convert to standard zero-knowledge argument

10 Non-interactive zero-knowledge argument Setup: (G,q,g) and common reference string Statement: (pk,e 1,...,e N,E 1,...,E N ) ProverVerifier Fiat-Shamir 86: Compute challenges using cryptographic hash-function Anybody

11 Non-interactive zero-knowledge argument Setup: (G,q,g) and common reference string Statement: (pk,e 1,...,e N,E 1,...,E N ) Prover

12 History Cut-and-chooseO(Nks) bits Abe 99 (Abe-Hoshino 01)O(N log(N)k) bits Furukawa-Sako 01O(Nk) bits (Furukawa 05, Groth-Lu 07) Neff 01 (Groth 03)O(Nk) bits OthersO(Nk) bits This workO(N 2/3 k) bits

13 Our contribution 7-move public coin honest verifier zero-knowledge argument for correctness of shuffle in common random string model Communication:O(m 2 +N/m)k bits Prover computation:O(mN) expos Verifier computation:O(N) expos Previous O(N)k O(N) Fiat-Shamir heuristic: Prover only computes once

14 Concrete example Back-of-envelope estimates ElGamal over elliptic curve (256 bit) Shuffle N = 100,000 ciphertexts (88Mbits) m = 10 Optimized with multi-exponentiation, batch- verification, etc. Estimated cost Communication8 Mbits Prover comp. 143 sec. Verifier comp.5 sec. Groth 03 77 Mbits 18 sec. 14 sec.

15 Tools Inspired by [IKO07] we will not use full-blown PCPs Pedersen commitment to multiple messages Batch verification using Schwartz-Zippel lemma with probability at most d/q

16 HVZK shuffle argument Setup: Statement: Prover Verifier

17 HVZK shuffle argument ProverVerifier Schwartz-Zippel lemma implies or else only probability 2/q of polynomial equality

18 HVZK shuffle argument Setup: Statement: Prover Verifier

19 The second HVZK argument Setup: Statement:

20 Main idea Schwartz-Zippel lemma implies

21 Argument for correct shuffle of ElGamal ciphertexts Honest verifier zero-knowledge Argument of knowledge Random string model 7-moves Public coin Cost CommunicationO(m 2 +N/m)k bits Prover computationO(mN) expos Verifier computationO(N) expos Generalizations -Homomorphic cryptosystems (e.g. Paillier) -8-move zero-knowledge argument of knowledge for correctness of a shuffle in plain model

22 Future work: Beyond shuffling Can generalize techniques to arithmetic circuits. Public coin honest verifier zero-knowledge argument for arithmetic circuit over Z q of size O(|C| 2/3 k)

23 Thanks Questions?

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