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Famine or Feast ? Arthur Wood The Current Status Quo  The Current System is Highly Inefficient  Despite Bono (or Geldoff if you are.

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Presentation on theme: "Famine or Feast ? Arthur Wood The Current Status Quo  The Current System is Highly Inefficient  Despite Bono (or Geldoff if you are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Famine or Feast ? Arthur Wood

2 The Current Status Quo  The Current System is Highly Inefficient  Despite Bono (or Geldoff if you are my generation)  If things are left as they are – it will get worse  Demographics and Aging & Health in Western Countries  Compounded by Political Fudge – i.e. Maastricht Criteria  Unfunded Pension Liabilities raise GNP/ Debt from 110 % to 300% + in Italy or in Canada $300bn> $2.2 trn  To maintain current system in Germany tax take must rise from 20% - 40% of total tax take in Germany PEOPLE WE SERVE ARE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE FOOD CHAIN

3 “Population aging is a worldwide phenomenon that will affect all G-7 countries”

4 “The projected decline in the employment-to-population ratio will gradually become a hindrance to growth in living standards beyond 2010”

5 “Population aging will be a key challenge facing the Canadian economy over the coming decades”

6 How Bad is the Financing Structure?  Primary Pillars of Financing – State and Market:  State Model – Picking winners in development  Developing world $2 trillion allocated 1955 - 2004 (in 2004 Dollars) adding at $100bn  50% of All African Govt Expenditure. Sub Saharan Africa - 80% of All Capital allocations > Capital Flight in 1 year  Top Down “Donor” Model – Government knows best Bretton Woods 1944  Not a way to target capital to the base – i.e. Ashoka Fellow Fabio Rosa So 20-80% of the Capital does not even arrive

7 Market System Any Better ?  System invented by Carnegie in 1888 and crystalised in the US tax system in 1921 /35  Market is Huge - Social Capital Market $1 trillion + in US alone – $300bn funding gap BUT  In US only 3.8% of C.O/NGO have revenues greater than $10 million  Only 0.1% of Entities Founded since 1973 have achieved $50m + in Revs - Of which Foundations / Individuals account for 8% of the 0.1% in sustainable funding.

8 Market System Any Better ? (ctd)  Everybody Negotiates Bilaterally – no aggregation systems. No Economies of Scale  Competitive Advantage in such a Capital market is about Innovation NOT Innovation in Scale nor collaborative  The process results in further Fragmentation  On the Funding side >>Small band aid solutions or Large Foundation take up to 2 years + to do due diligence Cost of Capital Allocation 20-50% vs. 2-5% Irony for Donors – 50 cents on the Dollar

9 Inefficiency of the Current Capital Market Compounds the Problem  Current allocation systems are taking20%-50% + off before usage  Indeed how efficient is the current Market allocation system even after it arrives – with a huge number of small entities with limited Economies of Scale  Or on the Governmental side driving top down through the existing status quo. Post 1980 is this how we now drive change ?

10 BUT Grounds for Optimism  Largest ever transfer of Human wealth - $41 Trillion in US alone with 1% transferring 60% of this wealth – the Gates effect >> Private Banks  Growth of Philanthropy – Values, Globalization – I.T.  The Third Pillar - Growth of Market Allocation  Social Entrepreneurship – 500m people impacted  Venture Philanthropy - $400 m  Investment / Asset Mgmt / Banking Engagement - $6.5bn  Microfinance – Yunus – Estimated Market 3bn users  Growth of Citizens Organization and Entrepreneurship

11 THE SAME HISTORICAL FORCES ARE AT WORK INTHE GERMAN HEART OF EUROPE Source: McKinsey analysis of data from Johns Hopkins Nonprofit Sector Series German Employment Indexed to 1960

12 Number of Organizations Indexed to 1982 Source: The Independent Sector: The New Non-Profit Almanac in Brief (2001), IRS (2002) CITIZEN SECTOR GROWTH IS ACCELERATING IN THE US

13 “Providing capital to poor Farmers at LIBOR or below”  Currently Investors in the Social Sector primarily offered only two options – Negative 100% IRR or Plus 5% IRR  But conceptually Best Practice / Metrics / Investors in reality between these two Points  Reallocation of existing subsidies. A Capital market where two players already accept -100% - UHNW’s & Supra-nationals  The tools of 2008 not 1888 - Leverage Structured Risk Return / Derivative products >> Improve the RISK Products - Credit structure – CCC>>AA >> Increase RETURN - provide High Contingent Returns >> Risk Management – Insurance models >> TO BRING PRIVATE CAPITAL AND IDEAS IN SCALE INTO THE MARKET

14 Minus 100% IRR Plus 5% (and beyond) IRR “Not For profit” Foundation Grant model “For Profit” Iterations of Venture Capital models Social Investing Ventures Breaking down legal structure CIC & L3C Entry of banks with Capital Market Instruments THE IMPORTANCE OF COLLABORATION AND CHANGE To solve the problems on a systemic basis requires: Collaboration from the social sector Creation / Evolving of Intermediaries to create Collaborative behaviour Foundations – Leverage Capital, Increase Innovation but HOW to draw in more Private capital Governments to change legislation – Tax treatment and Legal structures Banks to bring their skills to bear PRI / LLC Expanding the Product Range

15 Maritime Theme

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