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 Enrollment Management  Curriculum ◦ Hours By Arrangement (HBA) ◦ Course Outlines of Record ◦ Non-Credit Certificates ◦ State Academic Senate Summer.

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2  Enrollment Management  Curriculum ◦ Hours By Arrangement (HBA) ◦ Course Outlines of Record ◦ Non-Credit Certificates ◦ State Academic Senate Summer Curriculum Institute  Lottery Monies  Graduation Ceremony  Other


4  Yes… ◦ Please ask questions….  Yes… ◦ I know that it’s a LOT of information…  Why… ◦ Because we all want to be making informed decisions…

5  Isn’t Enrollment Management just another name for “cutting” classes?  I just develop a schedule of classes and find instructors…Why do I need to understand Enrollment Management?  What is Enrollment Management?  I don’t care about Enrollment Management…that’s a “management thing” and I really don’t need to know this…do I?

6  Traditional up-and-down trend (wave)

7  In tough economic times, the state will either reduce the college’s workload or reduce the amount of money per student provided.  Traditionally, community college students increase during this time because there are no jobs and students return for retraining or to improve skills.  Many colleges turn away students during this time because their budgets are reduced and they are not provided enough money to serve these additional students.

8  In good economic times, the state will increase the college’s workload and provide money for growth.  Traditionally, community college students decrease during this time because the economy improves and there are new job opportunities.  Many colleges “chase” students during this time because the state provides “full funding” and money for “growth”.


10  Knowledge ◦ Understand CA budget ◦ Understand CCSF schedule ◦ Understanding changes from the State Chancellor’s Office which impact FTES (e.g. repeatability, HBA, registration priorities) ◦ Understand “core” needs and priorities of area  Flexibility ◦ Ability to shift with student demand ◦ Ability to add and reduce to best meet student needs ◦ Shifting of FTEF between semesters to meet student demand

11  Creating pathways across the city so that individuals, regardless of location, can access education… ◦ Research data ◦ Center designation ◦ Community communication  “Plus one” Pathways  Cultural context  “High Impact “hooks”


13  Weekly Census – Class meets weekly the whole semester (equal number of hours each week) and we get credit for students attending at Census date.  Daily Census -Class meets equal number of hours each day for at least five days and we get credit for students attending at Census date.  Positive Attendance – Class meeting irregular hours or having less than 5 class meetings. We get credit for hours that students actually attend. All noncredit classes.

14  FTES – Full-Time Equivalent Student ◦ 1 student -15 hours/ 2 semesters ◦ Short formula – (cap x hour/week)/30  [Maximum FTES]  $4642/Credit FTES  $3232/ Non-credit Enhanced FTES  $2744/ Non-credit Regular  FTEF – Full-Time Equivalent Faculty (LOAD)  Productivity – FTES/FTEF ◦ State “watermarks” ◦ 17.5 CR (525 WSCH) ◦ 25 NC ◦ Each.1 reduction in productivity = $314,100 cost

15  FTES Goal/Target – The FTES number for a college which the state will fund in a given year. ◦ 100 Credit FTES below = $460,000 ◦ 100 Non-Credit FTES below = $320,000  FTES Goal “Growth” – The additional amount of FTES above the “target” which the state will fund (usually in a “feast” period).

16  Stability – “Guaranteed” funding for 2 years (based on achieving prior goal). By end of 2 year period, college must achieve original FTES goal or lose funding.  Borrowing/ Summer Sessions – Census/End date ◦ Can “swing” FTES into either academic year


18 CourseLoadHours per week Approx. CostClass Max FTES Max Product (FTES/FTEF) Hum 12 0.203$6000313.115.5 Bio 9 0.376$11,100367.219.5 Psyc 1 0.203$6000454.522.5

19 CourseLoadHours per week Approx. CostClass Min FTES Productivity (FTES/FTEF) Hum 12 0.203$6000202.010.0 Bio 9 0.376$11,100204.010.8 Psyc 1 0.203$6000202.010.0


21  Divide total hours of actual attendance by 525  FTES = PAH/525


23  This means the responsibility to “add”, “shift”, and “eliminate” for the best interest of all City College students…it is bigger than our individual areas…  “Roll It Forward”… ◦ Summer Fall Spring


25  Isn’t Enrollment Management just another name for “cutting” classes?  I just develop a schedule of classes and find instructors…Why do I need to understand Enrollment Management?  What is Enrollment Management?  I don’t care about Enrollment Management…that’s a “management thing” and I really don’t need to know this…do I?

26  Hours By Arrangement (HBA) o Audit Results o State Chancellor’s Office  Course Outlines of Record o Fall 2014 Deadline (Pre-2000 COR that are “in process”) –  Done with TR and Submitted to CC by February 12 for February 26(?) meeting o Spring 2015 Deadline (Pre-2008) for inclusion in Spring Schedule o Done with TR in the SPRING semester o “Live Dangerously” -Done with TR and Submitted to CC by August for September meeting

27  Non-Credit Certificates – New Designations o P = Pass o SP= Satisfactory Progress o NP = No Pass/Not Enough Work Completed/Insufficient Assessment o W =Has Attendance Hours and Stopped Attending o NS = No Show/Never Attended o CH = Cancelled Hours/Class Cancelled  State Academic Senate Summer Curriculum Institute  Best Practices  Up-Coming Issues from State Chancellor’s Office

28  Lottery Monies  Graduation Ceremony  Other

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