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D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.1 Marriage at Cana. Giotto.

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1 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.1 Marriage at Cana. Giotto

2 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.2 In liturgy and traditional prayers we always pray through Mary to God andnever to Mary. Cover of People's Companion to the Breviary.

3 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.3 To pray only to Mary would be to attribute divine power to her.

4 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.4 The main feast days of Mary are The Immaculate Conception (December 8) (Pope Pius IX, on December 8, 1854 defined the doctrine of Mary’s conception in the womb of her mother, St Anne, as being without original sin.) Our Lady of Lourdes

5 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.5 Mary,MotherOfGod (January 1) The Holy Virgin Blachernitissa. Valhernskaya Madonna and Child. Mantegna Madonna and Child. Altdorfer

6 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.6 TheAnnunciation (March 25) Annunciation. Fra AngelicoAnnunciation. Van Eyck Annunciation. El Greco

7 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.7 TheBirthdayOfMary (September 8) Birth of Mary. Beccafumi Birth of the Virgin. Francisco de Zurbar

8 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.8 Our Lady Help of Christians (May 24) Image taken from: Image taken from:

9 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.9 TheAssumption (August 15) Pope Pius XII, on November 1, 1950, defined the doctrine of Mary’s assumption body and soul, into heaven. Assumption of Mary. Battista Assumption of the Virgin. Venuti

10 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.10 Mary has been celebrated in devotions such as the Rosary and the Litany. Rosary Beads

11 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.11 She is the patroness of many countries, including Australia, Our Lady Help of Christians Patroness of Australia

12 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.12 She has been honoured in hymns, paintings,sculptureandliterature. Hail, Holy Queen Hail Mary, Gentle Woman The Magnificat My soul praises God my Lord

13 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.13 The titles of Mary indicate hopes andexpectations in prayers to Mary. Mother of God Virgin most Holy Our Lady The Immaculate Conception Star of the Sea Queen of Heaven Mirror of Justice Mother of Mercy Mystical Rose Morning Star Health of the Sick Gate of Heaven

14 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.14 The traditional Litany of Mary promotes particular virtues as ideal for womanhood. Mother of divine grace Mother most pure Mother of chaste love Sinless Mother Dearest of mothers Model of motherhood Virgin most wise Faithful virgin Comforter of the troubled Queen of peace Help of Christians

15 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.15 The Seven Sorrows of Mary have touch points Withtangible human experiences, shared by many. Our Lady of Sorrows. Dolci

16 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.16 the prophecy of Simeon (hope/anxiety about the future); Simeon was a very holy old Jew who was in the Temple when Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus there to be presented to the Lord. Simeon very quickly believed that Jesus was the Messiah who had been promised to the Jewish People. Simeon said to Mary: ‘You see this child: he is destined for the fall and for the rising of many in Israel, destined to be a sign that is rejected - and a sword will pierce your own soul too - so that the secret thoughts of many may be laid bare.’ (Luke 2:34-35)

17 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.17 The Flight Into Egypt (the plight of refugees) “the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, ‘Get up, take the child and his mother with you and escape into Egypt and stay there until I tell you, because Herod intends to search for the child and do away with him’.” (Matt 2:13) Flight into Egypt. Elsheimer Flight into Egypt. Giacomo Flight into Egypt. Fra Angelico

18 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.18 loss in the Temple (making the transition from childhood to adulthood); “When they were on their way home (from Jerusalem) after the feast, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem without his parents knowing it....... Three days later, they found him in the Temple, sitting among the doctors, listening to them and asking questions; and all those who heard him were astounded at his intelligence and his replies... His mother said to him, ‘My child, why have you done this to us? See how worried your father and I have been, looking for you’.” (Luke 2:43, 46-48)

19 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.19 MeetingonthewaytotheCross The Fourth Station of the Cross Jesus meets his Mother Martinez Delgado Jesus meets Mary. Martinez

20 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.20 Crucifixion ‘Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala.’ (John 19:25) Crucifixion. Fra Angelico Crucifixion. Hans Memling

21 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.21 TakingJesusdownfromthecross Lamentation of Christ. Del Sarto

22 D9.3_Mary Line 4 Outcomes.22 burial(suffering,deathandgrieving as a universalexperience). Mother of Sorrows Lamentation of Christ. Del Sarto

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