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SJR 243 and Statistical Overview of the Legislative Process Legislative Services Commonwealth of Virginia Appendix B.

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Presentation on theme: "SJR 243 and Statistical Overview of the Legislative Process Legislative Services Commonwealth of Virginia Appendix B."— Presentation transcript:

1 SJR 243 and Statistical Overview of the Legislative Process Legislative Services Commonwealth of Virginia Appendix B

2 SJR 243: Study of the Legislative Process Joint Rules Committee-- Oversight National Conference of State Legislatures -- Internal Perspective Citizen Advisory Board -- External Perspective

3 Joint Rules Expectations Preservation of the part-time legislature Open, critical, and comprehensive review of the process Promotion of a responsive, accountable, informed, independent and efficient legislature Report of recommendations by December 1, 2000

4 Study Directive Topics Bill Drafting Prefiling Introduction and Patronage Committees and Subcommittees Technology Floor Activities Budget Process Staffing and Orientation of Members

5 Flow of Legislation Prefiling First-Day Introduction Bills Request Deadline Introduction Deadline Committees Floor Governor’s Vetoes and Recommendations

6 Prefiling 32-year history Permitted –60 days prior to even-year sessions –180 days prior to odd-year sessions 96% of members surveyed in 1996 favored encouraging ways to prefile Only 5.8%of the legislation was prefiled in 2000

7 Requests 3,925 total requests in 2000 58.7% increase since 1988 Daily totals in 2000 –35.7% received once session began –18.1% requested on the last day

8 Introductions 3,173 introductions in 2000 –58.8% increase since 1988 Rate of requests and introductions rise proportionally Daily totals for 1999 –9.58% prefiled –38.1% filed on last day

9 Committees and Subcommittees 11 Senate committees -- 98 meetings –35 subcommittees -- 115 meetings 20 House committees --199 meetings –59 subcommittees -- 293 meetings Frequency and quorum problems – 58.8 % increase since 1988 Rate of requests and introductions have risen proportionally Daily totals for 1999 –9.58 % prefiled –38.1 % filed on last day

10 Committee Workloads During the past five years: Senate Finance, Rules, and Courts, and General Laws have carried, on average, 55% of the workload House Finance, Courts, Rules and General Laws have carried, on average, 49%of the workload – 58.8 % increase since 1988 Rate of requests and introductions have risen proportionally Daily totals for 1999 –9.58 % prefiled –38.1 % filed on last day

11 Committee Workloads During the past five years: Senate Agriculture, Rehabilitation and Social Services, and Privileges and Elections have carried, on average, 12% of the workload – 58.8 % increase since 1988 Rate of requests and introductions have risen proportionally Daily totals for 1999 –9.58 % prefiled –38.1 % filed on last day

12 Committee Workloads During the past five years: House Agriculture, Chesapeake and Its Tributaries, Claims, Interstate Cooperation, Mining and Mineral Resources, and Science and Technology have carried, on average, 3% of the workload – 58.8 % increase since 1988 Rate of requests and introductions have risen proportionally Daily totals for 1999 –9.58 % prefiled –38.1 % filed on last day

13 2000 Floor Activities Session length through Day 10 averaged (excluding Day 1 and weekends):  37 minutes in the House  29 minutes in the Senate Election of judges, budget deadlines, crossover and last day of session accounted for the longest sessions – 58.8 % increase since 1988 Rate of requests and introductions have risen proportionally Daily totals for 1999 –9.58 % prefiled –38.1 % filed on last day

14 Governor’s Recommendations 1,089 bills submitted to the Governor in 2000 Governor’s timetable –Less than 7 session days -- 30 days from sine die –More than 7 session days -- 7 days to act Percentage of bills returned by Governor has ranged from 18.9% in 1995 to 7.5% in 2000 – 58.8 % increase since 1988 Rate of requests and introductions have risen proportionally Daily totals for 1999 –9.58 % prefiled –38.1 % filed on last day

15 Contributors to Bottlenecks Volume of legislation introduced and passed Lack of prefiling Co-patronage Procedural deadlines Number of committees and subcomittees – 58.8 % increase since 1988 Rate of requests and introductions have risen proportionally Daily totals for 1999 –9.58 % prefiled –38.1 % filed on last day

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