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Grown Up Digital by Don Tapscott Presentation by Janelle Rentschler.

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Presentation on theme: "Grown Up Digital by Don Tapscott Presentation by Janelle Rentschler."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grown Up Digital by Don Tapscott Presentation by Janelle Rentschler

2 What Generation are you? Baby Boom-January 1946 to December 1964 Generation X-January 1965 to December 1976 Net Generation-January 1977 to December 1997 Generation Next-January 1998 to present

3 Defining Characteristics Baby Boom-the TV Generation Generation X-best educated group in history Net Generation the Grown Up Digital group The focus of this book is to describe how technology has shaped the generation known as the “Net Generation”

4 Chapter One The Net Generation Comes of Age First Global Community--young people around the world are more alike than any other generation Values shaped by technology Smartest Generation EVER Considerable tolerance of differences among people Less time viewing television, more time being actively engaged online

5 Chapter Two A Generation Bathed in Bits Net Generation would give up the TV before letting go of their internet Email is too slow and formal They are shaping the Internet Socialize online sharing too much personal information Enjoy collaboration and creating online

6 Chapter Three The Eight Net Gen Norms Freedom-choosing the right job not necessarily taking first job offer Customization-want the ability to customize a product to fit their needs Scrutiny-great ability to decipher between fact and fiction online Integrity-expect honesty from companies, organizations, and politicians Collaboration-natural born collaborators Entertainment-want their work to be fun Speed-need instantaneous responses Innovation-want the latest and greatest technology on the market

7 Chapter Four The Net Generation Brain Digital Immersion has shaped their brains Superior at multi-tasking Mind is flexible, adaptable, and multimedia savvy Gaming increases hand-eye coordination, quickened reaction times, and benefits peripheral vision Not sequential thinkers IQ scores have risen 10 points over 30 years Able to handle massive amounts of information thrown at them at once

8 Chapter Five The Net Generation as Learners The Education System Must Change Interactive learning not broadcasting One-size-fits-one Discovery learning Collaborative learning The jobs they will hold do not yet exist.

9 Chapter Nine The Net Generation and Democracy Want a bottom up government Will use the Internet to help support their candidate Expect to collaborate with politicians about decisions Will hold politicians accountable for their words/actions They will change our system of Government!

10 Chapter Ten Making the World a Better Place—At Ground Level Using the Internet to make the world a better place Using the Internet to bring about social changes Becoming Internet activists Volunteering in record numbers Collaborating online to create global changes

11 Chapter Eleven In Defense of the Future Don’t fear the Future Tests scores are increasing “Clean Teens” are on the rise Youth crime is decreasing Institutions will change for the better because of the Net Geners

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