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Marijuana Plant Seizures

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1 Marijuana Plant Seizures
HIDTA County Drug Factsheet Deschutes County Click on a box to open a link (arrow will change to a hand to indicate a hyperlink): County Summary Drug Threat Drug Seizures Arrests Treatment Admissions Drug-Related Deaths Medical Marijuana Marijuana Plant Seizures Clan Lab Seizures Oregon Task Forces Contact information

2 2013 County Summary Summary 2013 County Statistics1,2
Deschutes 2013 County Summary Summary In 2013, the largest proportion of arrests in Deschutes County was for methamphetamine, followed by arrests for marijuana, heroin, and cocaine. Drug arrests were higher in Deschutes County when compared per capita to the HIDTA region and Oregon from 2010 through August Heroin deaths have risen in the county since 2006 to three deaths in 2012, the most recent data available. There were six drug-related deaths in the county in 2012, three each associated with methamphetamine use and heroin use. The number of indoor marijuana plants seized in Deschutes County totaled 58 in No outdoor plants were reported seized in the county in The number of medical marijuana cardholders grew dramatically from April 2006 (283) to October 2013 (2,993). No methamphetamine labs were reported seized in the county since 2005; however, one MDMA lab was seized in 2013. 2013 County Statistics1,2  Population: 162,525 (seventh largest HIDTA County by population)  Land area in square miles: Deschutes: 3,018 (OR: 95,988)  Persons per square mile: Deschutes: 53.8 (OR: 40.8)  Population, percent change 2004 to 2013: Deschutes: 20.0% (OR 9.4%) Sources: 1U.S. Census Bureau, State and County QuickFacts; 2Portland Population Research Center.

3 Drug Threat Notes: The tables reflect responses from participating task forces and local, state ,and federal law enforcement agencies to two questions on the 2013 Oregon HIDTA Drug Threat Assessment survey: 1) Please rank order the drugs which pose the greatest threat to your jurisdiction and 2) Which drug most contributes to violent crime and property crime and serves as the primary funding source for major criminal activity in your area. CPDs = Controlled Prescription Drugs.

4 Oregon HIDTA seizure data
DHE seizure data

5 Oregon HIDTA Initiative Drug Seizure Data
Return to seizure page

6 Domestic Highway Enforcement Data
Return to seizure page

7 Arrests County Arrests Arrests – per capita comparison

8 County Arrests Return to arrests page The number of methamphetamine arrests in Deschutes County declined 61 percent from 2006 to 2008, but rose more than threefold by August Arrests for heroin and marijuana have increased since 2006, while cocaine arrests declined between 2006 and 2013.

9 Arrests – Per Capita Comparison
Return to arrests page Drug-related arrests in Deschutes County have risen since 2008, exceeding per capita averages for the HIDTA region and Oregon since The number of arrests in Deschutes County in 2013 was nearly three times the number in 2008, largely driven by increased methamphetamine arrests.

10 Treatment Admissions Admissions – County Admissions
per capita comparison

11 Treatment Admissions Return to treatment page Treatment admissions for marijuana was highest in the county in 2012, followed by methamphetamine, controlled prescription drugs, heroin, and cocaine. With the exception of cocaine, admissions for treatment increased between 2007 and 2012 for heroin (727%), controlled prescription drugs (131%), marijuana (29%), and methamphetamine (19%). Cocaine admissions dropped by one-third during the same period.

12 Treatment Admissions – Per Capita
Return to treatment page The number of treatment admissions for major illicit drugs in Deschutes County was higher per capita when compared to Clackamas and Washington counties, but lower per capita than other HIDTA areas and Oregon between 2006 and 2012.

13 Drug-Related Deaths County Deaths Per capita comparison

14 Drug-Related Deaths, Deschutes County
Return to drug related deaths page The number of deaths related to methamphetamine use in Deschutes County fluctuated from a high of five (5) in 2005 to a low of one (1) in 2007, with three (3) deaths reported in Deaths from heroin use varied from a low of zero in 2006 to a high of three (3) in 2011 and Cocaine-related deaths have remained at zero since 2009.

15 Drug-Related Deaths - Per Capita
Return to drug-related deaths page Drug-related deaths in Deschutes County were lower when compared per capita to the HIDTA region and Oregon between 2004 and The number of deaths in the county have varied from a low of two (2) In 2007 and 2009 to a high of seven (7) in 2005.

16 Oregon Marijuana Plant Seizures
Indoor Marijuana Outdoor Marijuana Eradication Map

17 Indoor Marijuana Return to plant seizures Reported indoor plant seizures were higher in Deschutes County when compared per capita to the HIDTA region and Oregon in 2007, 2008 and The actual number of indoor marijuana seizures reported by Deschutes County declined 93 percent from 2012 (781) to 2013 (58).

18 Outdoor Marijuana Return to plant seizures In Deschutes County, outdoor marijuana seizures were reported in 2007 (9), 2009 (185) and 2012 (5).

19 Indoor /Outdoor/Bulk Seizure*
2013 Marijuana Eradication Statistics Return to plant seizures Lincoln 12/0/9 Linn 279/214/16 Lane 570 /4,266/100 Douglas 363 /3,635/30 Jackson 450/4,424/164 Josephine 106/5,560/621 Coos 34/16/1 Deschutes 58 /0/75 Klamath 134/27/337 Morrow 25/15/0 Marion 248/0/307 Polk 65/0/68 Yamhill 0/41/0 Clackamas 928 /403/315 Multnomah 3,233/28/85 Washington 2,089 /25/28 Plant Counts Indoor /Outdoor/Bulk Seizure* 9,115 /18,920/2,450 Malheur 0/0/42 Lake 0/0/109 Jefferson 27/0/2 Umatilla 260/128/21 Wasco 0/0/19 Wallowa 114/27/0 Baker 0/0/5 Harney 0/0/86 Crook 5/12/2 Union 39/23/0 Curry 76/73/3 Hood River 0/3/8 *Statistics include DHE seizures reported by the Oregon State Police

20 Medical Marijuana Medical Marijuana Cardholder Statistics
Medical Marijuana Math Photos of Medical Marijuana Grows

21 Medical Marijuana Return to Medical marijuana page The actual number of medical marijuana cardholders in Deschutes County in October 2013 (2,993) was over ten times the number reported in April 2006 (283), exceeding the per capita averages for the HIDTA region and Oregon.

22 Medical Marijuana Math
Return to medical marijuana page Source: “Drug traffickers exploit Oregon medical marijuana program’s lax oversight and loose rules”, Oregonian, 9/22/12.

23 Medical Marijuana Grow Photos
Return to medical marijuana page In-compliance grow with plants measuring approximately 15’ in height. Photo taken as part of a RADE team investigation into an out-of-compliance grow located on the same property. Josephine County, OR, October 2010. Medical marijuana growing room on property located in Grants Pass, OR. Grower was one of three people who gave medical marijuana to a woman arrested in Portland, OR for trying to ship product to Boston for sale. (AP Photo/U.S. Attorney's Office, Medford, OR, 5/17/11). Each of these OMMP grow sites is on a separate tax lot. In this case, the garden is situated across or near property lines making it challenging to determine the responsible party (Source: “Oregon’s failed medical marijuana program”, The Examiner, 9/20/09). Caregiver grow site with multiple patients and growers. There is no limit on the number of plants or patients a caregiver can have (Source: “Oregon’s failed medical marijuana program”, The Examiner, 9/20/09).

24 Clandestine Labs Deschutes County reported one MDMA lab seized in The county reported no methamphetamine laboratories seized between 2005 and September 2013.

25 Oregon Drug Task Forces
Portland Metro Region Clackamas County Interagency Task Force (CCITF) (Clackamas) - HIDTA Clatsop County Interagency Narcotics Team (CCINT) (Clatsop) Columbia Enforcement Narcotics Team (CENT) (Columbia) DEA-Salem Task Force (Marion) - HIDTA DEA-Portland Task Force (Multnomah) – HIDTA HIDTA Interdiction Team (HIT) (Multnomah) - HIDTA Lincoln Interagency Narcotics Team (LINT) (Lincoln) Multnomah County SO Special Investigations Unit (Multnomah) Oregon Financial Crimes Task Force (Multnomah) - HIDTA Polk Interagency Narcotics Team (POINT) (Polk) Portland Metro Gang Task Force (PAMGTF) (Multnomah) - HIDTA Special Enforcement Team (SET) (Multnomah) Tillamook Narcotics Team (TNT) (Tillamook) U.S. Marshall’s Service Fugitive Task Force (USMS) (Multnomah) - HIDTA Westside Interagency Narcotics Team (WIN) (Washington) – HIDTA Yamhill County Interagency Narcotics Team (YCINT) (Yamhill) Eastern Region Baker County Narcotics Enforcement Team (BCNET) (Baker) Blue Mountain Enforcement Narcotics Team (BENT) (Umatilla) - HIDTA Central Oregon Drug Enforcement (CODE) (Deschutes) - HIDTA High Desert Drug Enforcement (H2DE) (Malheur) Mid-Columbia Interagency Narcotics Task Force (MINT) (Wasco) Union-Wallowa Drug Task Force (Union/Wallowa) Warm Springs PD (Warm Springs Indian Reservation) - HIDTA Southern Region Douglas Interagency Narcotics Team (DINT) (Douglas) - HIDTA DEA – Eugene (Lane) – HIDTA DEA – Medford (Jackson) - HIDTA Klamath Falls Interagency Narcotics Team (KINT) (Klamath) Lane County Interagency Narcotics Team (INET) (Lane) - HIDTA Medford Area Drug and Gang Enforcement (MADGE) (Jackson) - HIDTA Rogue Area Drug Enforcement (RADE) (Josephine) South Coast Interagency Narcotics Team (SCINT) (Coos/Curry)

26 Contact Information Chris Gibson, HIDTA Director Phone: Questions? Contact Julie Sutton Phone:

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