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Resource Conservation Challenge Tire Cluster Pam Swingle EPA Region 4 Atlanta, Georgia.

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Presentation on theme: "Resource Conservation Challenge Tire Cluster Pam Swingle EPA Region 4 Atlanta, Georgia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resource Conservation Challenge Tire Cluster Pam Swingle EPA Region 4 Atlanta, Georgia

2 Resource Conservation Challenge Q&A What the @#$@ is the RCC? Why a program focused on resource conservation? –Need to make significant gains Pollution prevention, recycling, reuse of materials Reducing the use of toxic constituents Conserving energy and materials Why the focus “Cluster” areas?

3 RCC Clusters Construction and Demolition Debris Electronics Green Buildings Hospitals Industrial Waste Organics Paper Schools Tires Targeted Chemical Reduction

4 RCC Tire Cluster Overall leadership by EPA Region 4 Identified stakeholders Convened in August, 2003 at the RCRA National Meeting Identified current projects Established goals Established Subcommittees

5 Tire Cluster Members States –CA, VT, FL, GA, IL, KY, MS, NC, NM, OK, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA –Product Stewardship Institute Trades/Industry –Cement Kiln Recycling Coalition, –Institute of Scrap Tire Recycling Industries –Portland Cement Association –Polyvulc –Recycling Research Institute –Rubber Pavement Association –Rubber Manufacturers Association –TAG Resource Recovery Feds –FHWA, EPA Academia –Clemson (ARTS)

6 Tire Cluster Goals Adopted December 2003 1.Divert 85% of newly generated scrap tires to reuse, recycling or energy recovery by 2008 2.Reduce by 55% the number of tires in existing stockpiles by 2008

7 Established Five Subcommittees 1.Goals Lead: Alan Lassiter, Virginia DEQ 2.Tire derived fuel Lead: Mike Giuranna, EPA Region 3 3.Rubberized asphalt Lead: Sergi Amirkhanian, Clemson 4. Civil engineering applications Lead: Todd Marvel, Illinois EPA 5.Ground rubber Lead: Lon Revall, Georgia DNR

8 Subcommittees Role Propose goal(s) for each subcommittee Identify barriers Propose solutions Compile inventory of applications, data Estimate volume/weight used to date Potential Solutions….. –Compile success/case studies –Develop champions in each state –Gather partners within the each state –Develop Tool Kits

9 EPA Initiatives GIS Mapping of stockpiled tires –MI, IN, OH, PA, NY completed Prioritization and planning tool Sensitive area and population overlays –Plans for AL and CT this summer, still working with TX and CO –9 states have 85% of stockpiled tires –Map again in 2008 ? Tire Clean-Up Forum Mexico Border Projects

10 Next Steps Work with RMA numbers to convert into weight vs. number Subcommittees set goals Implement recommendations by the subcommittees Identify potential projects to fund Meeting in October

11 Questions?? Pam Swingle Phone: (404) 562-8482 Email:

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