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IT’S MORE THAN JUST NAKED MEN AND WITCHES. MYTHOLOGIES Greek, Roman, Celtic, Norse, Egyptian, Hebrew, Japanese, Chinese, Estrucian, Latvian, Korean, Mesopotamian,

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Presentation on theme: "IT’S MORE THAN JUST NAKED MEN AND WITCHES. MYTHOLOGIES Greek, Roman, Celtic, Norse, Egyptian, Hebrew, Japanese, Chinese, Estrucian, Latvian, Korean, Mesopotamian,"— Presentation transcript:


2 MYTHOLOGIES Greek, Roman, Celtic, Norse, Egyptian, Hebrew, Japanese, Chinese, Estrucian, Latvian, Korean, Mesopotamian, Persian, Polynesian, African, Caribbean, Aboriginal, Hindu, Islamic, Aztec, Basque, Inca, Maya, Haitian, Christian, Hittite, Indonesian, Khmer, Lithuanian, Madagascan, Melanesian, Micronesian, Slavic, Syrian, Tibetan, Arthurian. (Encyclopedia Mythica)

3 Percy Jackson and The Olympians By Rick Riordan


5 Graphic Novels and Comics

6 SolomonHerculesAtlasZeusAchilles Mercury

7 AcronymDefinition SHAZAM Selena, Hippolyta, Ariadne, Zephyrus, Aurora, and Minerva (Captain Marvel comics, deities that supported Mary Marvel)Captain Marvel Mary Marvel SHAZAM Shu, Heru, Amon, Zehuti, Aton, Mehen (Captain Marvel Comics, deities that supported Black Adam)Black Adam SHAZAM Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, Mercury (Captain Marvel Comics, deities that supported Captain Marvel himself)

8 Wonder Woman Princess Diana is an Amazon from Greek mythology. Her name is reflective of the mythological character, Diana or Artemis. Her mother is Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons. (Wikipedia)AmazonGreek mythologyDianaArtemisHippolyta

9 African Gods and Goddesses


11 YETI OF THE AMAZON Alexander Cold awakened at dawn, startled by a nightmare. He had been dreaming that an enormous black bird had crashed against the window with a clatter of shattered glass, flown into the house, and carried off his mother….

12 If you like Retold Mythology you may like Retold Fairy Tales. Check out works by Cameron Dokey &pid=355452 Retold Fairy Tales

13 Read non-fiction collections about Mythology HERE at Project Gutenburg. HERE Free MP3 Audio Classic books HERE including Shakespeare and Native American FolkloreHERE Audio books on CD also available at your local library HERE including The Begger King and the Secret of Happiness, tales collected over from Sufi, Muslim, Chinese, Jewish, Iraqi, Zen Buddhist, Italian, and Indian cultures.HERE Books online

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