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Michael P. Sigalas Nickolas D. Charistos

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1 Michael P. Sigalas Nickolas D. Charistos
Laboratory of Applied Quantum Chemistry Department of Chemistry Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece

2 Our Background Laboratory of Applied Quantum Chemistry Molwave
Computational Chemistry / Molecular Visualization Molwave Development of Educational Chemistry Software Molecular Visualization Own software (Adobe Director) Jmol Simulations Our research in chemistry educational technology emerged from the field of quantum and computational chemistry. The usage of molecular modeling software in our scientific research and our engagement in teaching theoretical chemical concepts has driven our practices to the development of molecular visualization tools. Enantiomerix3D Molecular Visualization Director Exploring Proteins Molecular Visualization Jmol juniorLAB Simulation Director 3DMolSym Molecular Visualization Director

3 Our Approach Development of Educational Chemistry Software
A multidisciplinary field Multidisciplinary collaborations: Problematic Focus on software development Embody principles from multiple disciplines Expand our research interests Software Development Chemical Theory Educational Psychology Chemistry Learning Computational HCI The design and development of effective educational chemistry software requires a specialized approach taking into consideration principles and research findings from multiple disciplines such as chemistry and chemistry learning, technology and software development, cognitive science and pedagogy. However developing collaborations between scientists from different disciplines in order to accomplish a common task can be proven a complex and time consuming effort as barriers between different epistemological viewpoints, research practices and scientific terminologies have to be overwhelmed. Instead of struggling to establish multidisciplinary collaborations, we expand our research through a creative process focusing on the development of molecular visualization educational tools embodying principles from multiple disciplines. The production of new tools and their integration in social educational contexts creates new knowledge that is subsequently used as resource for further research and development .

4 The Team Michael Sigalas Nickolas Charistos Postgraduate Students
Chemistry Professor Project Manager \ Software Designer Nickolas Charistos Chemist, PhD Software Developer \ Webpage Developer \ Graphic Designer Postgraduate Students Chemistry Educators Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

5 Molecular Symmetry Symmetry Operation Symmetry Element
An action that, if carried out on an object (in our case a molecule) leaves it in a configuration that is indistinguishable from the original configuration. Symmetry Element An abstract geometrical entity (line, plane or point) which respect to which one or more symmetry operations can be carried out. The symmetry of a molecule is described by the whole set of symmetry operations that can be applied to it and hence by the whole set of symmetry elements that it possesses. Molecules are then classified to point groups on the basis of type and number of the symmetry elements they possess. The point group of a molecule determines in great extend its physicochemical behavior.

6 Symmetry Elements Axis of Rotation, Cn
an n-fold rotation, the molecule is rotated by an angle 2π/n around a symmetry axis. If a molecule has many rotational axes, the axis with the largest n is called the principal axis.

7 Symmetry Elements Plane of Reflection, σ
the molecule is reflected in respect to a plane. Planes including the principal axis are termed vertical planes, σv, or diagonal axes, σd, and planes perpendicular to the principal axis are called horizontal planes, σh.

8 Symmetry Elements Center of Inversion, i
All atoms are projected through the center of symmetry.

9 Symmetry Elements Improper Rotation, Sn
a composite operation of an n-fold rotation followed by a reflection in a plane perpendicular to this axis.

10 Difficulties in Learning
Cognitive Tasks Form a 3D mental image of the molecular structure Imagine a possible symmetry element of the molecular structure Perform the corresponding symmetry operation to the 3D image mentally Check if the final 3D image is identical to the initial 3D image These tasks challenge students to create dynamic 3D mental models of the corresponding molecular concepts by viewing 2D symbolic representations. Traditional instructional media and 2D symbolic representations do not provide adequate surface features to help students visualize the dynamic nature of these concepts.

11 Difficulties in Teaching
Textbooks can provide only a limited number of examples. Only a few cases can be depicted by 2D symbolic representations Classical media do not give the opportunity to practice and actively explore these dynamic concepts.

12 3DMolSym: Functionality
Searchable database of molecules 3D molecular visualization Free manipulation of models Visualization of symmetry elements Application of symmetry operations 3DMolSym operates as a searchable database containing structural and symmetry data of 50 organic and inorganic molecules, spread to all symmetry point groups of chemical interest and covering all characteristic cases. It consists of two modules: the Symmetry Elements mode and the Point Groups mode. In the Symmetry Elements mode the user can search the database to find all molecules having symmetry elements of a certain type (e.g. Cn) or a particular symmetry element (e.g. C3). In the Point Groups mode the user can search the database to find all molecules belonging to a point group of a certain type (e.g. Dnd) or to a particular point group Select and display a molecule in simultaneous multiple representations such as, 3D molecular models in ball and stick, wireframe or space-filling format, 2D structural formula, molecular formula and name. Freely manipulate (rotate, translate or zoom) the molecule to any viewpoint. Display any combination or class of the symmetry elements of a selected molecule. Select a particular symmetry element and actively perform and view animation of the application of the associated symmetry operation on the selected molecule.

13 3DMolSym:Design Characteristics
Multiple representations of molecules. Promote transformation between 2D and 3D. Present dynamic visualizations and animations of the corresponding chemical concepts. Examples that cover all characteristic cases. Open-ended learning environment. Extensive practice and active exploration. Each molecule is represented simultaneously by its chemical name, molecular formula, structural formula and 3D model. The multiple representations allow students with different learning styles to choose their preferred symbol systems and encourage them to make connections between verbal and visual representations by simultaneously presenting symbolic structural formulas and three-dimensional molecular models. Also, letting the user to freely rotate the model in order to compare it with the two dimensional representation gives him/her the opportunity to decode the depth cues and other graphic conventions that are embedded in the symbolic representation providing unique representations with dynamic surface features that support visuospatial thinkingand help the learner create dynamic mental representations of the corresponding concepts which can then transfer to other molecules. Examples that can not be visualized by other media. The user can actively perform the animations of the operations and have direct experience with the represented concepts to achieve a deeper understanding.

14 Application in Education
Presentation tool to promote deeper understanding during instruction, as it provides novel visualizations that can complement the verbal representations of the tutor to exploit the dual processing capabilities of learners’ cognitive system. Self-pace tool in conjunction with classical textbooks, where the learners can actively explore the represented molecular concepts, be engaged in extensive practice with these concepts and have experiences that help them create their own knowledge working with user-friendly and learner-centered molecular visualization tools, students are introduced into the practices of chemistry researchers

15 3DMolSym: Development Adobe Director Object Oriented Programming
3D graphics programming 2D graphics programming Database Text files Property lists

16 Lets have a Look!

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