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10CH10BP 10CC 10CN 10MO 10OJ 10ML 10BI 10JP 10ST.

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Presentation on theme: "10CH10BP 10CC 10CN 10MO 10OJ 10ML 10BI 10JP 10ST."— Presentation transcript:

1 10CH10BP 10CC 10CN 10MO 10OJ 10ML 10BI 10JP 10ST

2 Levina King (Winner) Victoria Seminerio Thomas Shorten GRAPHICS

3 Frank Guyton (Winner) Joe Davidson David Perkins RESISTANT MATERIALS

4 Michael Jones (Winner) Tyler Rolfe Ryan Mayes ENGINEERING

5 Sam King Tom Shorten Fiolla Tmava Jamie Brighton Adam Anderson Scott Goodson. Ellie Daynes & Emily Ventress (Winners) MEDIA STUDIES

6 Marcus Seely (Winner) Fern Catchpole Katie Hockin LEARNING ZONE

7 Tyler Rolfe (Winner) Amelia Stuart Sophie Grigglestone ART

8 Lucy Buck (Winner) Fiolla Tmava Abigail Conneely SCIENCE

9 GEOGRAPHY Jack Davies (Winner) Jo Self Katy Cockerton

10 Charlie Squires (Winner) Laura Seddigh Harriet Horscroft DRAMA

11 Jade Goldsmith (Winner) Karl Gilbert Jade Beck DANCE

12 Chloe Stockwell (Winner) Victoria Seminerio Laura Seddigh MATHS

13 Josh Towler (Winner) Wil Allen Emily Witty MUSIC

14 Katie Brooks (Winner) Thomas Storey Tom Shorten BUSINESS STUDIES

15 PHILOSOPHY & ETHICS David Perkins (Winner)

16 SPANISH Jo Self (Winner) Beth Self Emily Ashman

17 GERMAN Sarah Cullum Charlie Wilkinson Tamanna Miah (Winner),

18 FRENCH Daragh McCann Ellie Daynes Ellie Carver (Winner)

19 Daragh McCann (Winner) Chloe Stockwell Scott Goodson Rhys Leighton Harriet Horscroft Beth Self Chloe Smith PHOTOGRAPHY

20 Jessica Wood (Winner) Marcus Seely Imogen Bradford HISTORY


22 Bullet Point Slide ENGLISH

23 Bullet Point Slide Bullet point –Sub Bullet

24 Bullet Point Slide Bullet point –Sub Bullet

25 Bullet Point Slide Bullet point –Sub Bullet

26 NOTE: You can copy and move these objects individually to any slide you wish

27 Process Flow Bullet 1 Bullet 2 Bullet 3 Bullet 1 Bullet 2 Bullet 3 Bullet 1 Bullet 2 Bullet 3 Bullet 1 Bullet 2 Bullet 3 Bullet 1 Bullet 2 Bullet 3 PlanDesign Build TestEvaluate

28 Colour scheme Background Text & Lines Shadows Title Text FillsAccent Accent & Hyperlink Followed Hyperlink

29 Bullet Point Title

30 Bullet Point Slide 2 Bullet point –Sub Bullet

31 Sample Graph (3 colour)

32 Picture slide Bullet 1 Bullet 2

33 Example of a table Title Data Note: PowerPoint does not allow you to have nice default tables - but you can cut and paste this one

34 Examples of default styles Text and lines are like this Hyperlinks like this Visited hyperlinks like this Table Text box with shadow Text box with shadow

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