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Instructions To use this template: –for each slide write the correct answer on the orange bar first –choose which option (A,B,C or D) and make sure you.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions To use this template: –for each slide write the correct answer on the orange bar first –choose which option (A,B,C or D) and make sure you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructions To use this template: –for each slide write the correct answer on the orange bar first –choose which option (A,B,C or D) and make sure you write the letter on the orange bar in place of the question mark –Now drag the orange bar on top of the correct option so it sits exactly over the top - now when you click through the onscreen animation, the correct answer will appear to be illuminated –View the next slide to see how it should look

2 $1,000,000 Example of how it looks when complete, click on-screen show to view the animations B - correct answer A - answer C - answer D - answer B - correct answer


4 Who wants to be a Millionaire? Hosted by Ms. Engle

5 Confident?

6 The Prizes 1 - $100 2 - $200 3 - $500 4 - $1,000 5 - $2,000 6 - $4,000 7 - $8,000 8 - $16,000 9 - $32,000 10 - $64,000 11 - $125,000 12 - $250,000 13 - $500,000 14 - $1,000,000

7 Lifelines “Phone a friend” Ask the audience

8 $100 Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan were sometimes called robber barons because they B – supported charities A – robbed from the rich and gave to the poor C – used cut-throat business tactics to grow rich D – helped create jobs for American workers C – used cut-throat business tactics to grow rich

9 $200 One factor that furthered industrialization in the US between 1865 and 1900 B – limitation of foreign immigration A – expansion of railroads C – refusal to use mass production D – dependence on animal power A – expansion of railroads

10 $500 Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth said that the rich should B – directly shared their profits with workers A – leave their fortune to heirs C – set up company towns for workers D – donate money to their community D - donate money to their community

11 $1,000 Terrence Powderly, Eugene Debs and Samuel Gompers were leaders in the movement to B – prohibit the production and consumption of alcohol A – provide settlement houses to help immigrants C – promote business the expense of workers D – improve working conditions

12 $2,000 A reason labor unions had difficulty achieving their goals was because B – gov’t usually supported businesses over labor A – there was a shortage of workers C – industrialization created better working conditions D – businesses promoted labor officials B – gov’t usually supported businesses over labor

13 $4,000 The Railroad Strike of 1877, the Haymarket Affair of 1886 and the Pullman Strike of 1894 show that labor unions of that period were B – not supported by most workers A – sometimes willing to break laws to achieve their goals C – firmly committed to laissez faire capitalism D – supported by the Fed’l gov’t during labor disputes A – sometimes willing to break laws to achieve their goals

14 $8,000 The creation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act showed that B – the fed’l gov’t wouldn’t challenge businesses A – laissez-faire capitalism would be upheld by the fed’l gov’t C – the fed’l gov’t would regulate monopolies D – civil servants would be hired based on merit C – fed’l gov’t would regulate monopolies

15 $16,000 Protective tariffs, subsidies for RR’s, & open immigration showed that fed’l gov’t followed a policy of B – non-interference in the free-market system A – support for economic development C – regulation of unfair business practices D – support for organized labor A – support for economic development

16 $32,000 Businesses formed trusts, pools, and holding companies to B – offer a lg. range of goods & services to customers A – increase profits by eliminating competition C – provide employment opportunities for minorities D – protect workers A – increase profits by eliminating competition

17 $64,000 Carnegie Hall and the Morgan library illustrate various ways entrepreneurs and their descendants have B – used philanthropy to try to improve society A – robbed from the rich to give to the poor C – helped create good jobs for American workers D – used cut-throat business tactics to grow rich B – used philanthropy to try to improve society

18 $125,000 Andrew Carnegie controlled the supply of pig iron, the production of steel and the distribution of steel products. This type of business organization is known as B – vertical consolidation A – a trust C – horizontal consolidation D – a cartel B – vertical consolidation

19 $250,000 According to laissez-faire, the economy functions best when the government B – owns major industries A – regulates businesses C – does not interfere in business D – subsidizes business so that they can compete C – does not interfere in business

20 $500,000 B – concentrated on organizing workers in the South A – refused to participate in strikes against employers C – formed its own political party D – fought for the rights of skilled workerse D – fought for the rights of skilled workers The AFL was the first long-lasting, successful labor union in the U.S. because it

21 $1,000,000 A corporation is B – When one person owns a company A – Group ownership of a company C – The same as a monopoly D – The same as a trust A – Group ownership of a company

22 Winner!Winner!Winner!Winner!Winner!Winner!Winner!Winner!Winner!

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