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ALife Creators Contest 960383 이원혁. Contents ALife Creators Contest Official Rules ALife Creation History.

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Presentation on theme: "ALife Creators Contest 960383 이원혁. Contents ALife Creators Contest Official Rules ALife Creation History."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALife Creators Contest 960383 이원혁

2 Contents ALife Creators Contest Official Rules ALife Creation History

3 ALife Creators Contest  is held by Cyberbotics  at ECAL’99

4 ALife Creators Contest Cyberbotics  Founded in 1998  Spin off company from the MicroComputing and Interface Lab (LAMI) of the Swiss Federal Institue of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL)  Developing Webots  Webots  3D mobile simulator  For research & education  Developing custom 3D mobile robot simulators with a number of companies / universities

5 ALife Creators Contest Webots

6 ALife Creators Contest ECAL ’99  European Conference on Artificial Life  ECAL ’99 - 5 th  Various topics for Artificial Life

7 Official Rules Overview  Confront alife creatures programmed by competitors  Limited version of Webots is provided  Matches are run each week  Hall of Fame is also updated each week  At the end of the contest, ranked#1 in the hall of fame is declared winner of the contest Creatures  3D models of the Khepera robot equipped with a color vision sensor  A number of methods are provided  To read sensor information from th infra-red sensors of the Khepera  To Control the speed of both motors of the robot

8 Official Rules Khepera robot

9 Official Rules Scenario  Each creature has to survive in an hostile environment where food becomes progressively rare and competition gets higher and higher.  The creatures have an initial number of life points.  Each simulation time step costs a number of life points.  When this number reaches zero, the creature dies.

10 Official Rules Scenario  Hopefully, the environment is a maze containing a number of food distributors which are green when they contain food and red when they are empty.  A food distributor gets empty when a robot steps in front of it, transferring life points to the robot.  Then, it needs some time to get full again.  Hence, robots have to wander around in the maze looking for full food distributors, and possibly repairing the location of empty ones which are supposed to become full within a period of time.  The maze will contain a number of landmarks which can be helpful for the navigation of creatures.

11 Official Rules Scenario  At the beginning of the game, two robots are set at an arbitrary location in the maze.  All distributors are full of fresh food.  Then, the robots start looking for food distributors and consume their contents.  At the beginning of the game, food distributors need only a few seconds to get refilled, but as time goes, distributors need more and more time to get refilled, hence making the survival conditions for the robots becoming progressively harder.  After a few minutes of game playing the refilling conditions will make that there is not enough food to feed all robots and some robots will die from starvation.  The winner will be the last robot alive.

12 Official Rules Scenario

13 Official Rules Scenario

14 Official Rules Organization and Schedule  2 nd ALife Creators Contest  1999/10/15 ~ 2000/2/28  Each week, newly submitted creatures will run against the best creatures and inserted into the Hall of Fame  New versions can be submitted at any time Competitors  Online registration form Matches  Organizers run one-to-one matches  Display the results on the Hall of Fame Prize  Winner takes US$ 1000

15 Official Rules Hall of Fame

16 ALife Creation Java language is used for ALife Creation KheperaController Package  Example  Move forward at a speed of 10 units import KheperaController; class my_robot extends KheperaController { step(long ms) // the ms parameter indicates the number { // of milliseconds elapsed during last step khepera_set_speed(RIGHT, 10); khepera_set_speed(LEFT, 10); } }

17 History 1 st Artificial Life Creators Contest  1999/4/15 ~ 1999/6/30  The winner of 1 st contest  Keith Wiley The winner takes 1000$!

18 History 2 nd Artificial Life Creators Contest  1999/10/15 ~ 2000/2/28  Now, in progress Artificial Life Creators Live Contest  Live!  Real khepera robot  Real world maze  Hardware problems  Main 10 minutes / Additional 5 minutes for tie game

19 History Live Contest

20 Epilogue You! can participate 2 nd Contest, Now! And….. You can be the winner!

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