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1 All lines will be muted to ensure sound quality This webinar will be recorded and posted at Use the chat window to ask questions along the way. We’ll address them at the end! Housekeeping

2 Team Up Now for the 2015 EPA National Building Competition! February 10, 2015

3 Agenda Overview of the EPA National Building Competition The 2015 Season: Team Challenge! Top 3 reasons why you should compete Tools to get started saving energy and water Register now!

4 Overview of the EPA National Building Competition A coast-to-coast competition among commercial building teams to work off the waste and reduce energy and water use Winners demonstrate the greatest reduction in energy and water use on a percentage basis Progress tracked at BattleOfTheBuildings

5 Competition History This is the largest and longest running competition of its kind in the nation! 2010 14 competitors 2011 245 competitors 2012 3,200+ competitors 2013 3,300+ competitors 2014 5,500+ competitors! 2015 Find out in July 2015! Class of 2014

6 Examples of Past Competitors Banking companies City and State government Convenience store chains Data centers Federal government Hospitals Hotel groups Houses of worship Manufacturing groups MLB stadiums Museums Real Estate Management Companies Restaurants Retailors School Districts Supermarket chains Warehouses

7 Past Winner Achievements On average, properties saving energy reduce consumption by 8% and $25,000 over the competition period Hundreds of finishers reduce energy use by 10% or more each year Top 10 finishers always reduce energy use by more than 25% Annual competition savings of more than $20 million

8 The 2015 Season: Team Challenge!

9 Overview of the 2015 Competition Teams of 5 or more buildings can register to compete together Individual buildings can register to compete, as always Compete to save energy, or energy and water Buildings and teams that demonstrate the greatest percent reduction in energy or water use intensity will be recognized by EPA Register through May 31 at

10 Rules of the Game Competitor data must be submitted via Portfolio Manager at registration, midpoint, and end of competition Winners determined by percent change weather normalized source energy use intensity (kBtu/sf) from 2014 to 2015 To receive recognition, buildings must have their energy and/or water use data validated by a licensed professional engineer or registered architect upon EPA request Team improvement determined by taking percent change in [total energy use]/[total square footage] from 2014 to 2015 Rules of the game and FAQs available at

11 Who Can Compete? All commercial buildings! To register, submit whole-building energy use data via Portfolio Manager for calendar year 2014 If you compete to reduce water consumption, you must also submit water use data via Portfolio Manager for calendar year 2014 Industrial buildings are eligible to compete only if 60% or more of the site’s energy load is due to non-production process utility systems

12 A team is defined as any group of five or more buildings and could be: –Your entire portfolio of buildings –All the middle schools in a school district –All fire stations in a city –Five stores and a warehouse operated by a retailer –Multiple clients of an energy consulting firm –A REIT’s office buildings that are bigger than 250,000 square feet –Ten baseball stadiums affiliated with an association Team up to cut waste! The A-Team

13 Examples of Teams from the 2014 EPA National Building Competition The Kroger Co. –Entered its entire supermarket portfolio to the competition U.S. General Services Administration –Created 11 separate teams for each of its 11 regions –Created a super team encompassing all 11 regions Frisco Independent School District –Created separate teams for its elementary, middle, and high schools, and another team for non-school buildings Hillsborough County, Florida –Created separate teams for dorms, fire stations, libraries, offices, preschools, public services

14 Ensure you can report building energy (and water) data throughout the competition period Poorly performing buildings have the most room for improvement Choose such buildings where: –You know low cost or no cost methods can be implemented, or –There are plans for equipment upgrades or operational improvements in 2015, or –You can effectively engage tenants and encourage behavior change How to Choose Team Buildings

15 How Do You Win? Get recognized for both energy and water savings in these categories: –Top Teams –Top Buildings –Top Building by Category –20% Team Reduction –20% Building Reduction –Federal Building Recognition

16 Attn: Energy Services Companies! Get your clients in the game and get listed as a coach on the competition website Just make sure you’re listed as the client service and product provider in Portfolio Manager Your name and the number of buildings you’re supporting will be listed on the EPA competition website See the list of 2014 as an example at

17 Key Dates and Timeline Jan. 2014 Jan. 2015 Comparative energy performance periodBaseline energy performance period January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015 EPA Publicity Period Jan. 2016 April 2016 KEY DATES –Registration Opens: January 1, 2015 –Registration Closes: May 31, 2015 –Official Launch: July 2015 –Midpoint: September 2015 –Winner Announcement: April 2016 July 2015 Sept. 2015

18 Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Compete

19 #1 Save Money Average energy savings is roughly 8% and $25,000 Top 15 finishers have saved anywhere from $5,000 to more than $250,000 in just one year!

20 EPA awards top performers for saving energy and water EPA promotes your role in the competition –Press releases at competition launch and conclusion –All competitors listed on the competition website –Live Twitter feed –Online wrap-up report summarizing top performers #2 Earn National Recognition

21 #3 Leverage the Platform for Organization- wide Sustainability Past competitors have said this was the first time they were able to get anyone in their organization to take notice of energy management Competition provides great ready-made technical and communications resources to help you get everyone on board Use these resources to encourage friendly competition within your organization to generate savings!

22 Tools to Get You Started Saving Energy and Water

23 Communication Resources Talking points Ideas for promoting your participation Social media guide Customizable templates –PowerPoint slides –Blast email –Newsletter article –Stakeholder letter Creative graphics Press release (coming this Spring!) All available via

24 Guidelines for Energy Management Building Upgrade Manual Energy Treasure Hunt Guide: Simple Steps to Finding Energy Savings 8 Great Strategies to Engage Tenants on Energy Efficiency Bring Your Green to Work WaterSense at Work ENERGY STAR Calculators Available at Technical resources

25 Complements the ENERGY STAR Guidelines to Energy Management Engages employees to help identify low-cost energy saving opportunities from behavioral, operational, and maintenance actions Originally developed for industrial facilities but can also be used for commercial buildings Includes –Examples from ENERGY STAR partner organizations –Checklists to illustrate practices and help with implementation New Resource: The Energy Treasure Hunt Guide

26 ENERGY STAR webinars cover technical and behavioral issues related to energy efficiency Upcoming relevant webinar topics include: –The Energy Treasure Hunt Guide –Understanding the Energy-Water Nexus –Financing Energy Efficient Upgrades with ENERGY STAR –ENERGY STAR Office Hours (monthly topics with open floor for questions) Webinars listed at https://esbuildings.webex.com Monthly ENERGY STAR Webinars

27 Stories from Past Winners Review stories behind the battle to get ideas about how you could win the 2015 battle! Illustrates diversity of participants and the ways in which they saved energy and money Good source of inspiration for 2015!

28 Register Now!

29 Choose Buildings and Teams Identify a team and/or individual buildings that will compete Make sure buildings have complete energy data for 2014 entered in Portfolio Manager If you wish to compete for water savings, ensure water data for 2014 is also input to Portfolio Manager * You may need to wait several weeks to get complete utility data for calendar year 2014

30 Submit Building Information to ENERGY STAR Visit the competition website for registration instructions at pa_energy_star_national_building_competition pa_energy_star_national_building_competition By May 31, using instructions provided on the website: –Submit building energy/water data via Portfolio Manager –Name and declare your team to EPA

31 Start Saving! Use the ENERGY STAR technical and communication resources to start engaging your staff and/or community in cutting energy and water waste Download the ENERGY STAR Guidelines to Energy Management, the Energy Treasure Hunt Guide, and WaterSense at Work to strategize your 2015 energy and water savings Get ready for the July public launch of the competition by gathering quotes to include in a press release Talk it up on Twitter using #ESNBC!

32 Questions? For Rules of the Game and FAQs: For answers to technical Portfolio Manager questions, and to submit a question about the competition, please visit

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