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Spanish Music Irene López & Eva Prieto. Introduction In Spain the music is very important because it is a part of our culture and folklore. The types.

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish Music Irene López & Eva Prieto. Introduction In Spain the music is very important because it is a part of our culture and folklore. The types."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish Music Irene López & Eva Prieto

2 Introduction In Spain the music is very important because it is a part of our culture and folklore. The types of music in Spain are :

3 FLAMENCO It’s a very famous type of music in the south of Spain. The “cante” (singing), “toque” (guitar playing), dance and “palmas”(handclaps) are the principal aspects of flamenco. The typical instruments are : Spanish guitar, “palillos” (drumstics), “palmas” (hands) and “cajón” (box) erkgk

4 Rock and Roll The instruments are : Electric guitar, drums, Bass guitar, keyboard and a singer. The most famous groups are : “Extremoduro”, “Marea”, “Mago de Oz” and “Fito & Fitipaldis”. Fito & Fitipaldis: Q&feature=relmfu Mago de Oz: A5cyA&feature=related

5 Pop The instruments are: singer, electric guitar, bass guitar, acoustic guitar and drums. The most famous groups are: “Amaral”, “ El Canto del loco”, “ La oreja de Van Gogh” and “Maldita Nerea”. Maldita Nerea : I El Canto del Loco : bIIx1I

6 Folk Folk music includes both traditional music and the genre that evolved from it during the 20th century called folk revival. This music is very typical in Asturias: “Corquieu” is a very famous group in Asturias. Corquieu :

7 Reggaeton It’s an urban form of music which has its roots in Latin and Caribbean music. Its sound derives from the Reggae in Spanish. The most famous singers in Spain are: “Juan Magan”, “Danny Romero”, “Guille el Invencible” Juan Magan: M M Danny Romero : &feature=related &feature=related

8 Salsa Salsa music is a general term referring to what is essentially Cuban popular dance music which was internationalized outside Cuba. The most famous music : “Carlos Baute” and “Marc Anthony” Carlos Baute: c c Marc Anthony :

9 The End

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