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EPICS Projects 2009-2010. EPICS Project Ryan Underwood Myles Goins Denny Nguyen.

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Presentation on theme: "EPICS Projects 2009-2010. EPICS Project Ryan Underwood Myles Goins Denny Nguyen."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPICS Projects 2009-2010

2 EPICS Project Ryan Underwood Myles Goins Denny Nguyen

3 Objective Our objective was to build a bookshelf for Ms. Dal Ben that could hold her entire class set of novels.

4 Final Product

5 Guitar Rack Alex Gong, Ashley Bearden, Kevin Le, Drew Bridges

6 Concept The concept of the guitar rack was to hold multiple guitars in an ordered fashion. We designed the rack to hold at least 20 guitars. While building this guitar rack we also learn about the values of teamwork and overcoming the difficulties that play a part in putting PVC pipes together. Fin.

7 Ideas We discussed ideas such as a guitar rack made of PVC, a storage cabinet, made out of wood, or a guitar rack, made out of wood. After discussing these ideas, we came to a conclusion that the Guitar Rack made out of PVC would be the most practical, lightest, and most cost efficient solution to the storage problem the Band Room is dealing with.

8 Supplies 1” PVC Pipe PVC Glue PVC Elbows PVC Tee’s Insulators Hot Glue 18 PVC Caps

9 Construction 1. Draw the guitar rack to match the specifications. 2. Draw the guitar rack on CADD. 3. Buy all the materials. 4. Measure and cut the PVC pipe to length. 5. Assemble all the pieces. 6. Begin gluing the PVC to the elbows and the Tees, making sure we reconstruct in the same manner as first constructed. 7. Repeat for the second guitar rack. 8. Cut the insulators and attach using hot glue. 9. Deliver to Band room. 10. Be praised.

10 Pictures

11 Before

12 After

13 Contact Information Mr. Dewald, Band Teacher Drew Bogard Bridges, Builder, Alex Gong, Cadd designer Kevin Le, Designer Ashley Bearden, Group Leader

14 Many Thanks to… Drew Bridges Mr. Young Ashley Bearden Kevin Le Alex Gong

15 EPICS Project: PG ART Vivian Su and Celene Udasco

16 Contact C. Tosta, 9531 Bond Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 916-686-0230 Phone

17 Problem Description Students taking Art 2 and AP Art utilize the ceramics lab, due to overcrowding. The supplies are readily available to art students because they are in a ceramics lab.

18 Objective To build tools that make the shared classrooms more usable to all art students. The first project is to construct a chalkboard for Mr. Tosta so that he has his own board space to better demonstrate art concepts.

19 Final Product


21 Guillotine We are making a model of a guillotine that can be used by the History department at our school when they teach about the French Revolution.

22 Information For: Mr. Moreno 5’ Tall, Collapsible Estimated Comp. Date: May 14 th 2010

23 Prototype

24 Crank Shaft

25 Final Product

26 EPICS Project: Tilt Table Zac Gibson, Nathan Gully, Alex Ridynski

27 Info For: Exploratorium Done by: roughly 2 weeks Concept: Use an accelerometer to control a tilt table that has a maze on top of it.





32 EPICS Bookcases Chris Ward, Angel Lopez, Brian Bagnato

33 Contact Info Fathers and Families 920 Del Paso Blvd Sacramento, CA 95815 916-568-3237 Founded in 1994, the Center for Fathers and Families was established to provide enrichment and educational resources to fathers and fatherless families

34 Step 1 Make Measurements

35 Step 2 Square the board to the exact measurements that we need

36 Step 3 Sand the board to clean up the edges and make it look nicer.

37 Step 4 After all the measurements and cuts are made, start screwing the pieces together.

38 Step 5 Fill in any unnecessary gaps with the wood putty

39 Step 6 Stain the bookcase to make it look more professional.

40 Step 7 Clear coat the bookcase.

41 Step 8 Put the masonite on the back and do an overall check on the bookcase for any final mistakes.

42 Step 9 Contact Fathers and Families to have them come pick the bookcase up.

43 Step 10 Help them load the bookcase into the car and now we are done.

44 EPICS Project: Beaker Backing Tyler Moore Brandon Perry Carlos Villasenor

45 Project Overview Our group made a wooden backing for two test beakers that Ms. Higgins uses for her labs. It provides a sturdy storage component to protect the beakers, as they are very fragile and expensive. During some labs, she will not be able to touch the beakers, so it also serves as a holder for the beakers to be presented safely.

46 How it Helped This project helped Ms. Higgins because it directly benefits her labs that she presents to her classes. It provides her with a backing for her beakers that make her labs more presentable and entertaining.


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