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Constructionism & Socioculturalism E891. Radical Constructivism a la von Glasersfeld Knowledge is constructed by the individual in the mind. There is.

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Presentation on theme: "Constructionism & Socioculturalism E891. Radical Constructivism a la von Glasersfeld Knowledge is constructed by the individual in the mind. There is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Constructionism & Socioculturalism E891

2 Radical Constructivism a la von Glasersfeld Knowledge is constructed by the individual in the mind. There is no shared objective truth “out there”. Each individual constructs their own knowledge, and their own version of reality. People check that their knowledge is ‘viable’ by seeing if it works ”Truths are replaced by viable models – and viability is always relative to a chosen goal” (von Glasersfeld, 1992, p. 384)

3 Cognitive Constructivism a la Piaget Blah blah blah Individuals work together as peers. While they share common experiences, they construct their own individual knowledge “In research terms this view of learners and learning leads to an epistemological view of knowledge as constructed and derived from experience but individual in its nature.” (Study Guide, 2.5)

4 Social Constructivism a la Vygotsky A learner works under the guidance of a more expert peer The ‘knowledge’ is socially constructed before it is internalised by the learner “First it appears between people as an interpsychological category, and then within the child as an intrapsychological category” (Vygotsky, 1981, p. 163)

5 Socioculturalism (by way of metaphor…) These guys are The Post- structuralists, an amateur Grateful Dead tribute band.

6 Socioculturalism This is Jerry. He plays rhythm guitar.

7 Socioculturalism A radical constructivist would be interested in what’s going on in Jerry’s mind. What chords and scales does he know? What songs does he play in his head? How does Jerry consolidate his musical knowledge to make compositions of his own?

8 Socioculturalism Socioculturalists don’t really care what goes on in people’s heads… “…the social dimension of consciousness is primary in time and in fact. The individual dimension of consciousness is derivative and secondary.” (Vygotsky, 1979, p. 30; quoted in Cobb, 1999, p. 137 ).

9 Socioculturalism A socioculturalist researcher would want to know how well Jerry plays in the band, not individually. Is he in tune? Does he keep time? “[Sociologists’] unit of analysis, and hence its significance for research, is the individual-in- social-action.” (Study Guide, 2.5)

10 Socioculturalism Julia - Bongos April- Vocals Jerry – Rhythm guitar Bob – Lead Guitar This is what they are interested in

11 Socioculturalism Julia - Bongos April- Vocals Jerry – Rhythm guitar Bob – Lead Guitar ‘Meaning exists neither in us, nor in the world, but in the dynamic relation of living in the world’ (Wenger, 1998, p. 54) That’s a small beer. That’s a big beer! My perception of the beer’s size is only meaningful because it is relative to their perceptions

12 Socioculturalism Julia - Bongos Jerry – Rhythm guitar Bob – Lead Guitar In terms of education, then… “the person who supports learning has the task of mediating between learners’ meanings and culturally established meanings – appropriating their actions into the wider system of social practices associated with the learning tasks. So here the focus on what is learned goes beyond the microculture and embraces the wider culture.” (Study Guide 2.5)

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