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Hi from Soltorgsgymnasiet, Borlänge, Sweden. Our class.

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Presentation on theme: "Hi from Soltorgsgymnasiet, Borlänge, Sweden. Our class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hi from Soltorgsgymnasiet, Borlänge, Sweden

2 Our class

3 This is a building called Metropol where we got a cinema, bowling ally, pool tables, and a training center. You can also grab a cup of coffee between the activites. Sparetime

4 This statue is Jussi Björling, who was a famous opera singer from Borlänge. We also got a museum about him in town. Jussi Björling

5 This is centrum of Borlänge, it doesn't have alot of shops where you can buy clothes, but it has alot of places where you can buy food, coffee and cakes Town

6 Liljekvista Park This park is a place where teenages and adults likes to hang out in the summer.

7 Largest in Scandinavia SSAB Tunnplåt AB is the biggest steel sheet manufacurer in Scandinavia and one of Europe's leaders in the development and manufacture of high-strength steel grades. SSAB TUNNPLÅT

8 Kvarnsveden Factory Paper manufacturer Stora Enso is investing in the world’s fastest paper machine to produce the high-grade paper used in magazines and weeklies. This is one of the most important industries in Borlänge.

9 Mando Diao Band members: Björn Dixgård: vocals, guitars Gustaf Norén: vocals, guitars C.J. Fogelklou: bass guitar Samuel Giers: drums Mats Björke: keyboards Through out the years Mando Diao has become known as a world class live act, playing approximately 150 shows a year. They are now headlining most of the big festivals in Europe. They generally top the charts in Europe and Japan.

10 Bandmembers Kristian Gidlund (Drums) David Hebert (Keyboards, Bas) Jonas Karlsson (Lead Guitar) Carl Norén (Guitar, Harmonica, Keyboards, Lead vocals) Victor Norén (Bas, Guitar, Lead vocals) Sugarplum Fairy are famous in Germany and Japan, where they also been on tour. Sugarplum Fairy The band have released 2 albums since they formed in 1999. They’ve performed at every Peace&Love festival (one of the biggest festivals in Sweden) since 2001.

11 This is the first floor. On this floor we a lot of home furnishing stores. And we have also a pharmacy and a food store. And here we have the famous McDonalds. Kupolen was built in 1989 (The year we were born), and opened 13 September 1990. Kupolen has three floors and a bus station inside. Kupolen

12 This is the second floor. Here we have many clothes stores. Both for men and women, young and old. You can choose between the less expensive or the more expensive alternatives. If you get hungry on this floor, you can go and eat on the “Palace of food”. This is the third floor, the newest floor. It opened about a year ago and here we have a lot of mobile and computer (technical) stores. We have also restaurants and café up here. We have also one hair saloon if you want to change your hairstyle.

13 Ornässtugan is a big tavern built in the beginning of the 16th century. It belong to a weatlhy miner. The lower floor was used as a storage and the upper as tavern. The loft shows the quality and precision the building art at that time. Ornässtugan Today Ornässtugan is a museum, which was opened in the 1750s. The modern day museum at the Ornässtuga is on of Swedens oldest museums.

14 The Stora Tuna church is one of the most magnificent buildings in our near and one of the biggest countryside churches in Sweden. It was built one the base of a stone church from the 13th century. The church has looked the way it adoes now since 1496. StoraTuna Kyrka

15 Hope you all have enjoyed this powerpoint presentation. Together with this presentation follows a short movie that shows you our school. Best wishes from TF3/VD3 Soltorgsgymnasiet Borlänge, Sweden!

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