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Popular Music in Context

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1 Popular Music in Context
Area of Study 3 Popular Music in Context

2 Outline Jeff Buckley – He is a Singer/Songwriter and guitarist. However he also plays several other instruments on this Album. The Album – It’s named ‘Grace’ after one of the tracks on the album but it also contains the songs ‘Hallelujah’, ‘Lilac Wine’ and ‘Corpus Christi Carol’. (Latin - Body of Christ) Co-written by Gary Lucas and released in 1994

3 Jeffrey Scott Buckley Born November 1966
His Father was also a musician Grace was his debut album Toured for 2 years with his band promoting his album, visiting U.S., Europe, Japan and Australia Had a fear of Death but died at the age of 30 He died in New York while waiting for his band. He drowned in the ‘Wolf’ river during an evening swim in May 1997

4 Jeffrey Scott Buckley He wrote songs about parting
His music was generally difficult, not straight forward Generally used Power Chords Perfectionist Never wrote his music out, just taught it to his band verbally and through demonstration.

5 Album Instrumentation
Jeff – Vocals, Guitar and Organ Bass Guitar Drums/Percussion String Arrangements Tracks 1&2 – Magical Guitarness Track 7 – Organ (by another musician) Track 10 – Tabla (by Jeff and 1 other) & Vibraphone

6 Grace Structure Chord Structure (Minor Chords in the Intro)
Harmony (complex, key changes, unusual Chords) Instrumental Effects (Distortion, Flange, Phaser) Playing Technique (Strummed and Plucked) Deliberate Clash with bass (in the chorus on the word Fire)

7 Structure and Effects Flanger – A studio Effect that can be anything from a ‘Swirling’ sound to ‘Jet Plane’ effects. Phaser – when 2 or more versions of the same things are played at the same time but at a slightly different speed. Distortion – Where the input signal is so high that the sound can not be played back clearly. Complicated structure that involves sections within sections.

8 Song Chords The chords, when written down, look very complicated. However, on guitar they are easy. The guitar is tuned using ‘Drop D’ Tuning. The Chords for the verse are shown in your book (Page 107) Power Chords are created this way. 1 shape moved up and down the fret board to create the different chords.

9 Additional Notes The string sounds are added after, on top of the standard instrumental line up. They are used to Create Tension for an additional effect at the beginning of the music. Delay – The repartition of a sound (Like an echo) but at a set interval) EQ – Equalisation. The adjustment of certain frequencies within the sound.

10 Some Questions Q2 – What guitar playing technique can be heard frequently in the Introduction? Q5 – Describe how the drums are played in the verse. Q7 – How does verse 3 differ from both verse 1 and 2? Q10 – What effect has been applied to the electric guitar part at the end of the song which cannot be heard previously in the song?

11 Popular Music in Context
Area of Study 3 Popular Music in Context

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